My February Bitcoin Cash Challenge

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Avatar for phabulu
3 years ago

Hello reader, how are you doing? I hope you are doing great!

Today I want to share some of my plans, recently I've started to publish more here, trying to write some nice content and creating translations for the Brazilian community, and today I had a nice Ideia that can become some good content for all the readers and also can be used as inspiration for those who wants to try to accumulate 1 BCH, in my opinion, is really possible to earn 1 BCH using and also, it can take some months, weeks, if you are really lucky 1 day.

Club1BCH: My February Challenge

I want to try something cool, I'll be challenging me to try to gather 1 BCH during this month by writing, participating, creating, and of course, I will be posting some updates here, so everyone can see that it's possible to get Bitcoin Cash for free, you just need to put some effort and work for it.

My goal is to reach 1 Bitcoin Cash during February 2021, and don't worry, it won't be a problem if I don't reach the goal because I'll be getting more BCH for free, it's always good to get more.

I invite you to join this amazing journey, together we can increase the use of Bitcoin Cash, INcrease the adoption, it's easy, invite your friends, write, create, participate, your actions for sure will give you a piece of this cake, and only here it's 500$ per day.

To start this challenge I've got 0.0033 BCH It's a beginning and let's see how far I can go during this month, so I sent all my left BCH here to another place and will be using Only one address to keep my earnings from this month, and at the time I'm writing this I've got

That was my tip from yesterday, February 1, and this what I have at this moment, I already earned it, cool.

I want to show that is possible if I earn Bitcoin Cash you can earn it too, don't be discouraged, sometimes looks like it's really impossible, but it's not, not easy for sure we are talking about free money, but we have an opportunity and this will be enough to fight for it.

Put this in mind, 1 BCH now = +- 400$

1 BCH in 2022 = +- 2000$

Some tips to reach your goal and earn BCH:

If you are here and planning to earn by writing, it will not be hard to do, you need to put the effort of course, but the lesson is, you can just be sure to write something with your own words, if there is another content about it don't worry, do your own, say what your think, show your point of view, it will make unique and your point of view can be really interesting and make people thing, you can also write in you main language, create good content with an interesting idea.

I recommend you to write in English, because it has more reach and possibilities to be tipped by other users and not only the bot, so if you think that you can't write properly use this tool: with this if you are writing wrong this toll will help you to check the sentences and the grammatical errors, easy, you can install on your browser and start working, it's free.

If you plan to save your BCH, like I'll do with all my BCH earning this month, try these options: create a good paper wallet, store it safely physically and in a digital way, and use the wallet and create a new wallet inside it named savings, and don't touch the BCH you will send there, remember the plan, hold the BCH, the future is bright for sure.

Good luck on your Journey, keep working, keep talking about Bitcoin Cash, we are beating Bitcoin day by day.

$ 8.02
$ 5.00 from @sittufeing
$ 2.82 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.10 from @Omar
+ 1
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Avatar for phabulu
3 years ago


Brasil ❤️

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Nice try

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Good luck there! I am rooting for you!

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Awesome, thanks

$ 0.00
3 years ago


$ 0.00
3 years ago