Your stress buster is a blessing

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2 years ago
Topics: Hobby, Blogging, Blessing

I was with a friend yesterday, while we were talking and at the same time she was trying to arrange her files... Oh sorry!! I missed the most important part. My friend was called for an interview at one of the top banks in my state. She is a graduate of the university of Lagos. For some time now since she graduated, she has not gotten herself a good job, but at least she's got experiences from the little ones she was opportuned to do. It's a happy thing that you get called up for an interview, and if luck shines on you, you are chosen.

While arranging her documents, I saw her CV, and decided to read through it. She really took out time to come up with such an amazing CV. I noticed she had just one hobby mentioned in the CV, and to be sure she was not just putting it there to get the attention of whoever was interviewing her. I asked her.....

What is your hobby?

And she immediately answered with a smile on her face "Reading"..... I replied, And what else?. She said that was all.

Is she joking or what. No other hobby aside reading, how is that possible. She saw the look on my face, and told me she loves doing other stuffs, but reading is her stress buster. She can't go a day without reading a book or anything worth reading.

I have seen her read endlessly, but I never knew that reading was her favorite hobby. I was so interested to know why she choosed reading to be her favorite.

Here's her story......

Reading has been a great blessing to me. While I was still very young, maybe 9 or 12, our teacher in school wouldn't allow us to play around with other children during break time. She will always advice us to make use of that free time wisely. And after all the talking, she will land at, "go to the library and read". Others saw it as a problem, and they will always frown at it. But I saw it as a great opportunity for boundless reading. While others sneak out of the library to play, I will stay there alone, read until the break time is over. I have never missed a day at the library, even when our teacher didn't give the advice us to go there. During weekends, I tell my parents to drop me at the state library. In the process of always going to the library every weekend, I was attracted to younger people of my kind. It was always fun reading with this people. Some days the librarian will remind us a couple of times that it was time to go, but we felt like we could extend the time to be a little bit longer. Reading has been a great blessing to me. It has given me the opportunity to sit with great minds to talk about great stuffs. Haha.... yeah, great people talk about great things.

Right from when I was a child, I have made reading part of my everyday routine, Sunday not excluded. Yeah!! I read on Sundays too, during the evening hour.

Now I am grown up, will be 27 by next month, nothing has changed much about my hobby. Although now I don't have the kind of free time I use to have then, but yet still I make sure I read a page everyday. Reading fills up every empty space inside of me. I feel more safe when reading, it drains off all form of stress in me and fill it up with a glee, making me to feel better and much lighter.

Truly, our stress buster is a blessing to us. And it will be so nice and interesting if we make it part of our daily routine. We can feel ourselves with so much joy, self-love, self-esteem, letting us shine the rays of this kind of special light wherever we go

Do you see your stress buster as a blessing too?

Thank you for reading. It's been two days now since I posted here, but it's really nice I am back again to this fold. More love..

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$ 0.63 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.04 from @Princessbusayo
$ 0.04 from @Olasquare
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2 years ago
Topics: Hobby, Blogging, Blessing


Seriously, ever since I have made reading a part of me, I have always read a few pages every morning after praying to God because I know once I start engaging on other things, till the end of the day, I would have time for reading. I really love reading now and with the ones I have read, I got knowledge and it has helped me.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Such a worthwhile stress buster. I wish I could have the same consistency to read too.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Hahaha. It is so possible if you wish to have it. There's this hack that if you try a habit for 21 days, it will become part of you. You can try to read consistently for 21 days, it might work for you.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

But is not wrong for one to have more than one hobby right? Because I sure do love all of my hobbies, even though grew up with a strict Dad that made everything possible for me to love reading but he still made sure it was balance with some of the other hobbies that I have and not that I don't love reading but.... The thing is I don't want it to be the first and is the most important of them all.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

It's just a matter of choice dear. If you choose to have more than one hobby, and you're okay with it, fine. We are so concerned about the happiness that this things brings.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Listening to music and singing is my hobby for real, the feeling is always different and it gives everlasting joy for me.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Wow, you've got the best stress buster. I'm sure you're a guy. Don't you love football? Every guy does.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

I love it but I am not really good at it.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Listening to music is one habit I can't do without, so I think that is my stress burster. A lot of people out there don't know what is their stress burster, as they are bombarded with choices of others

$ 0.00
2 years ago

It is so important one discovers or get use to those things that makes them happy and turn them into their hobbies. Everyone just love listening to music. Music is life..

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Dancing is my stress buster like you call it. If I get into the mood if dancing, until the music stops, I will not stop. Dancing helps me get myself back after a stressful day.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Would love to watch you dance. And I guess you won't do it more than me. Hahaha.

$ 0.00
2 years ago