Will unemployment increase as technology progresses

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1 year ago

Good to be back again after a long break. Something appeared so different to me this afternoon. I was too lazy to engage here, and I decided to visit YouTube. Maybe I will finally see something to kill this laziness that has already taken control over me. Normally when you are about to search for something on the search box, suggestions automatically pop up and it's either you choose from it or you keep on typing. This is not my first time of experiencing such, but today was different. A particular keyword got my attention,"Technology". It was just all-over the suggestions YouTube sent to me. Maybe there's something new in the tech world to watch, so I had no other choice than to click on one of the suggestions.

Lately, we have seen how technology has advanced in every aspect. Almost everyone is talking about it every day. The wonders of technology can be seen and felt in the smallest to the largest inventions. Take for instance the evolution in our television.

Technology has really shaped it to what it is today. We can never compare what it is now to what it used to be before, all thanks to the advancement in technology. Owning a TV in the late 80's was seen as a great achievement, but it isn't so today as anyone can afford it. How TV was only used for watching movies etc, browsing with it is a new trend now.

A lot of other things have really improved over time. Sending mails through the post office were replaced with mobile phones, camels were replaced with vehicles, abacus were replaced with computers. So many things have really improved. Technology controls almost everything around us. This hasade humans partially dependent on technology. From my own personal view, I see it as the best gift we ever get out of science, but not overlooking the setbacks it comes with.

From what is trending now, it's been said that sooner or later technology will take over some jobs and work from humans, and this will be achievable with the help of AI powered robots and machines. And when this happens, so many people will be unemployed.

All images from #unsplash

Having these AI powered machines do the work supposed to be done by humans is good as it makes work faster and easier, companies will save so much cash meant for salaries of the staff. I personally will love to operate in such a space likewise you and those large companies out there. But have we considered the unemployment it is creating? Due to the advancement in the different aspects of technology, documents, emails are no longer sent through physical couriers. Sending and receiving of emails over electronic mail brings the comfort of just sitting in your convenience and pressing a few buttons without stress and cost. There is no one that won't be happy with such an improvement, but we fail to think of the high unemployment rate hitting these courier companies.

Even in the construction industry, technology has sent so many back to their houses. Back in the 90's, when a road was about to be constructed, so many laborers were employed. Mostly when a simple drainage for water flow is to be constructed. But today, it's just the work of one man controlling a big machine that will be able to do all the digging in a few hours.

Technology will always be a great part of human life, this does not give a chance for it to completely replace humans in the nearer future. Although, to get this machine working perfectly according to what it was meant for, humans are needed to operate it. Advancement in technology will keep on progressing, but I am very sure that it will never be able to do the tasks humans are capable of doing. Technology is useful and balanced only when it gets the combination of both human and AI.

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1 year ago


There are some jobs that may be affected due to technology advancement as manpower is less needed. Robots, machines and AI are taking the lead in todays technology.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Technology cannot work on his own. It needs the assistance of man before it can perform well. At least, we should still have little work to do.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Unemployment will increase if humans fold their hands and just watch technology take over from them. Learning ahead and blending in with the trends if the day will cut down on the number of unemployed people.

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1 year ago