When Was The Last Time You Celebrated Yourself?

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2 years ago

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You are a firecracker in everything you do. Celebrate yourself everyday.

- Hiral Nagda

If there is something each and everyone of us should celebrate about ourselves everyday should be that there is no other person so unique as us. When was the last time you celebrated yourself? It might interest you to know that you are worthy of being celebrated, and celebrating yourself is one of the best we would ever do to ourselves. Those little wins of yours, do they go uncelebrated, or you are just hoping that people will celebrate you for it. You have nothing to loose just for celebrating every little win you get, but rather you are adding something great back into your own life. You deserve to be celebrated, you are so worthy of being celebrated, and that one person that can do this for you is no other person but you. Every single moment if the day, you so deserve to be celebrated. We are humans and sometimes we forget this aspect of our life. Life can be so unfair to us that it makes us forget to love ourselves they perfect way, just the stress of the day would sweep us off our feet, lots of bills to settle, family, and work, but just celebrating ourselves can bring happiness and positivity to us.

So now lets look at the few things we can do to help boost our self-confidence that will in turn help us in celebrating ourselves.

Acknowledging those little wins you
have accomplished

Celebration will start from yourself and no where else. It's not a big thing, or will it cost you anything to celebrate yourself for those little wins you have accomplished, don't look at how small it is just celebrate it. Someone people out there are wishing to achieve what you have achieved, this is enough reason to celebrate yourself. You must have gone through pains and troubles before you were able to get to this point in your life, you deserve to be celebrated for that. Always acknowledge the fact that you are getting more better everyday, and the victories you get in your daily pursuit. Personally, if i seat down and reflect back on the pains i went through just to get something and at the end i finally got that thing, tears of joy will drip down from my eyes. You might get same feeling also, if it means smiling, just express how grateful you are with that beautiful smile of yours, and even if you feel like crying, free yourself and let the joy and excitement flow out in form of tears. Let your loved ones know about your little wins, how far you have gone in life, some may see as a show up but it's not, you are trying to tell them that you are proud of who you are, in this way you are celebrating yourself. Treat yourself good in the process because you are worthy of it.

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Be happy when people compliment you
for your efforts

There is no way i will be sad if i get a nice compliment from someone just for the effort i put towards getting something done. Sometimes your may not get you to the place you had dreamt to be, but those littles steps you took towards achieving that goal is worth celebrating, and if someone compliments you for that, don't feel bad or see it as a mockery, just be yourself and be happy for it. Those people saw that you deserve to be complimented, be happy and appreciate it. Everything is right in celebrating you.

Getting busy doing things that
bring you joy and gladness

This are one of the things you need to do to celebrate yourself for those little wins you've got. Whatsoever you love doing, just go ahead and do it. Like me i love singing, especially when i am in the bathroom, it brings me so much joy. You know exactly what will bring out that joy in you, do it because it is the best way to celebrate yourself and also because you deserve it.

Say positive and not negative

Look yourself in the mirror and say positive, this will build the way you see yourself. Most people stay in front if the mirror for a longer time admiring the person that is looking back at them. Don't be ashame to celebrate yourself, be proud of who you are, it is not a bad thing to do this. You deserve the kind and good treats you give to other people out there. Don't want for other people to celebrate you first, the real celebration starts from you. If only you can put your mind to focus on positivity, then nothing can hinder you.

Be much more happy to celebrate yourself, you shouldn't have a fixed time to celebrate yourself, it should be something that should be happening moment by moment. Begin the celebration, then this will give people the reason to celebrate you. You are worthy of all the celebration we've got.

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Thank you for reading.....

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2 years ago


We really need to celebrate ourselves because it is one of those things that brings Joy to us. When we do not wait for others to celebrate us, we would see how fulfilling it is when we praise ourselves and have confidence in us.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yeah... Whatsoever the situation, self-celebration should not cease in our life.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Celebrating the small wins are just as important as the wins themselves. It motivates you to do more and better.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Sure it does... It sparks up that fire you to aim higher than before.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

We deserved to celebrate ourselves everyday for the efforts and sacrifices spent for the family and even for the work. Simple celebration is enough.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yes best friend, those little of bigger efforts we put towards achieving a particular thing is worth celebrating.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Awesome. You just gave me an idea for another topic. I'll tag you once I'm done as an inspiration. :)

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I will really appreciate that. You have given another reason to celebrate myself for the little efforts i put in writing this article. Thank you.

$ 0.00
2 years ago