The Internet will be a boon to you if you are ready

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2 years ago


The internet can be a boon to you if you are ready for it. I won't start giving us the definition of what the internet is, or the person who brought the knowledge about it, in what year, century, and all of that. What i mean by a boon is that, it can be of great benefit to you if you are ready for it. It can also be of no benefits to you as well, it is your choice to make. There is this lifestyle i grew up to see in my parents, if they buy a particular thing for themselves, they will make sure not to use that thing the wrong way or otherwise. The expected us as their children to have that same mentality. It was a good one, because that was the only way we would get them to buy us new things. But today I'm not here to talk about my family life, i was just making references so you know exactly where i am heading to.

Some of our young people today have failed to see the great opportunities on the internet. Like i said in my previous article that the internet is like a big basket, yes it is. But today based on the topic, i will likened it to a farm. A good farmer will not allow his/her piece of land to lay waste during planting season. They know what they will stand to gain if the put some seeds or stems in the ground. The internet is just like a farm, how you use it will determine if you will be rewarded at the end of the day or not. Everything under the sun works by principles, that is to say things don't just happen, there is always a behind the scene part.

Yesterday evening, i visited a good friend of mine at her place. I got there and we chatted for a very long time, all this while i was with her phone checking out the new videos she has in her gallery. She got a notification about her data usage for the money, i informed her about it but she never cared. Me i was so interested in it so i went ahead to check how much data she has used. I was surprise to see 350 gb used, immediately, i screamed at the top of my voice. I asked her, 'Babe where do you get the money to spend so much on data subscription, and what are you using 350 gb for'. She laughed and said nothing.

I didn't want to go any further in asking her another question, i silently went through the report to see the apps she use often that consumes so much data. Whatsapp tops the list, followed by facebook, instagram, twitter, youtube, and messenger. This were the tops apps that consumes a bigger part of her data. While on my way going back home, i began to ask myself, if Kachi is spending so much time and resources on all of this social media apps, what then is stopping from making a living out of it. I don't know if she is not aware that the internet and the social medias is making young people get rich, gain more knowledge, and increase their persona.

She is not making the internet beneficial to her in any way, she only spend time in watching funny videos, chat, do video calls, and the rest. It breaks my heart when i see people waste their data for nothing. I am not making or earning much from the internet, but atleast at the end of the day i am always proud of myself that i used my data the right way.

Is the internet beneficial to you?

In some developed countries, people no longer consider education to be a guarantee that they will get a better life after studing a particular course for 4 - 5 years. I am not preaching against it, education is good as anything good. But let me shock you, a lot of people through legit ways are making it big out there without education. Everything changed the moment the internet came to be, and the internet is birth with a lot of unlimited opportunities for people like me and you to leverage on so we can make it at the end. The only thing that is required of us is a skill, those things we are good at doing, because there are so many ways one can make money by utilizing the internet well.

If you have a skill, and you are so passionate about it, trust me you can start making money in no distant time by just showing that skill to the world. This can happen only when you are ready to let the internet benefit you positively. Like the content creators, it could be short comedy skits, how to play an instrument, how to sing, how to prepare new meals, etc. If you really check this things online, especially on social medias, you will get to fully know how this people make money by just showcasing they skills to the world. And also in the process, they are trying to build their online presence.

The internet can also be beneficial to us in more other ways. There are so many online platform that have good free courses for people to read, through this you can get knowledge about something, and as well utilize that knowledge the right way and it fetches you some money.

The internet has turned so many people from beggars into billionaires, it won't just happen at the snap-of-a-finger. When you have the skill, that's the first step, the right information, and the right perception will have to follow to back up your skill, you will sure be better of than those people who spent their data on things that are not important at the moment.

Hope you have a lovely moment. Thank you for coming around today.

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2 years ago


This is the simple truth, there are lot of ways to earn a living with the internet. It's just a matter of making researches.

But some people know all these and still decide to use their phone for just fun 🤷

$ 0.00
2 years ago

They just need a special deliverance.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Every action has opposite reaction. I trust it. Using internet has positive and negative side effect.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

That's for sure.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

There is always great benefits of using the internet. I can see that so many people hear are making huge amount of money which is through the internet. It is a means of making one grow so large. Many people out there are making huge amount of money from it and have gotten rich. Why can't you tell your friend about readcash?

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I can't be so stingy to keep this golden secret with myself alone, i have tried my best to show them the platform, but they are too lazy to follow the rules here. They need it quick, that's why they fall back when what they expected is not showing forth.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I love spending my time on the right thing especially using my data for the right purpose. My mentality is that once I use my money to sub, why won't I use it for something beneficial to me? I pity those who while away their time on unnecessary thing online instead of learning skills to improve them and do something to make them earn online. Time waits for no one and the earlier the better.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Sometimes i regret, how i wish i got to know about this platform much more earlier, trust me my life would have not remained the same. Outside the earning, babe my mind has been opened to a lot of things through this platform. I hardly visit other social media apps that i have in my phone. It is either i am on chrome or here.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yes the internet is a best place, it depends on how you use it and it becomes benefited to you, and they're ways you use it and it's become losses. It has both the advantage and the disadvantage just like every other thing. Just like you have said so many people have become rich through internet.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I don't find it difficult and lazy to pay for data subscription every month. Cos i know that at the end of the month i'll always get the money back, an as well earn more knowledge.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

That is right, I really get your point friend.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Glad you did Gently.

$ 0.00
2 years ago