Stop Complaining And Be Grateful

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2 years ago
Topics: My thoughts

For some time now I've been away from the platform just because of what happened to me, i lost very important documents and other stuffs, this alone has made me loose my real self. I can't really focus or have time for myself anymore for the past 2 weeks, but i am glad i am healing. This kind of incident is happening to me for the first time. Days that i am free, i spend more time in front of my laptop either i am reading or watching a movie, sometimes i draft most of my article l with the laptop. Ever since i got acquainted with, the more time i spent with my laptop was already becoming a daily routine. Now i can't imagine what it feels like without my laptop, it's been 2 weeks now simce i lost it to some unfortunate fellows.

I have not shared this with my friends, nobody knows about it you that is reading this article now. I feel so ashamed to tell people what really happened. I will look unserious to them, like i am too careless with my stuffs, and i don't want to bother anyone witht the thought if how i will get a new laptop or how i will be able to retrieve back some of the important documents i had in the laptop. It is so painful to loose something that means so much to you, i really miss my laptop. No plans of getting a new one soon because i don't have the funds. Some of my goals for this year have been shattered, no hope of getting those things this year. It is so sad, but there's nothing i can do about the situation. Make sure to keep whatever you have safe from bad people, it will bring you pain if you loose them.

We Complain Alot

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This will be my first article for this month, last month was a great success, if not all atleast i achieved half of my goals for the month of april. Lots of challenges came my way, but i am so happy that i was able to conquer all of them. I didn't do that on my own, but i got strength from God Almighty, and the great articles i read here daily. Everything looks me to my eyes, i have been away for two weeks now, so far i have read the success stories of some members here. Congrats, and i wish y'all more success. Back to the topic of today.

We all are humans, and because of this complain will never lack in us. In everything thing that happens around us, be it good or bad, we will always find something to complain about. Sometimes we complain of getting a particular thing, and when that thing has been given to us we find something different to complain about. Too much of complain will masquerade us from seeing how far we have gone in life, there will be no room for being grateful for our current situation. Sometimes we spend more time complaining about the things we have already, we don't remember to appreciate what we have. It skips our mind that, that very thing we dreamt of some months back has now become a reality.

Stop complaining and seize some moment and be grateful for your journey of life, be grateful for who you are, celebrate every goal you have achieved, remember those achievements were just dreams, just take a moment and celebrate those big and small wins. Never again should you complain about the things going on in your life, but rather reflect on those things and remind yourself that you are getting more better, wiser, and stronger than yesterday. It is so okay to complain, but not a good choice to make it a habit. No matter what is going on in your life, give yourself some time to heal, remember we are humans afterall. Don't complain too much, take a moment to appreciate the fact that you are so blessed, celebrate yourself for every effort you have put in getting to where you are in life.

I need to stop at this point for now. I am still healing, pray for me that i get the complete funds to get a new laptop before the year ends. Thank you for stopping by after a long time....

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Avatar for pejudear
2 years ago
Topics: My thoughts


They said that thankfulness depends on what is in our heart rather than what's in our hands but most people would rather complain due to what's missing in their hands. It takes those with deeper understanding to learn how to complain less.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Do complain is now available . I am not out of it. But its a bad habit. I complain when i got hurt

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I feel so sad to hear such story that happen to my best friend, I feel your pains and it's been days and I haven't seeing you around, but I want to encourage you what ever you are going through be strong in the Lord at least be greatful if not for anything reason at least for the gift of life.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I am glad that i am healing fast from the situation i was in. Being grateful that i am alive though.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Alright friend stay bless.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Sorry for your lose, I hope you get a new one soon

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thank you wrinkle. I hope i get the funds for it soon.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I'm so sorry for what happened to your laptop. I pray you'll get a better replacement for it soon.

Also, thanks for reminding us not to complain that much.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thank you best friend for the kind words. I really appreciate.

$ 0.00
2 years ago