Speak Your Truth

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2 years ago
Topics: Truth, Speak, Celebrate, Value

Good to be back here after a long while. My phone gave me some issues so i needed to fix it as soon as possible, just got it back from the phone engineer this morning and the first place i wanted to checkout was here. I really missed a lot i guess, lots of notifications waiting for me to open. I pray i get enough time today to visit every unread article. Ah!! Before i forget, Happy New Month to everyone, i love you all.

Today i will be focusing on speaking your truth, the topic just dropped in my mind this morning and i saw it as a great opportunity to write something about it. Most of us here are always afraid to tell the truth just to avoid being laughed at, or seen as a weak fellow. Sometimes we seek approval from people before we can say the truth, and then this will make us feel little afterwards. There is always this boldness in speaking out the truth, but we find it too difficult to speak it out.

Image Source: Unsplash

The truth is always there in our minds, but we find it too difficult to confess it with our mouth. This happpens because of the fear of what people will say, like will they criticize you for the truth you are speaking. Living like this won't help you in any way, you deserve a better life than such.

When i see people go extra mile just to speak the truth, it amazes me. The kind of feeling you will get when you speak the truth is always amazing, it's always like a heavy rock has been lifted off your chest. I encourage us today to always speak the truth when necessary, you will be so proud of yourself that you did.

Very few people like it when you are truthful to them, so if you have the privilege of speaking the truth, with all amount of confidence speak it out. You will do yourself a great favor by removing some things off your mind. Don't let the actions or response of people stop you from speaking your truth. Even when it seems like their actions will win over you, never allow it to happen, stand your grounds and speak your truth even louder than before.

Random Thoughts: Stop comparing yourself with others

It is something i have been doing especially when i started this journey at the read.cash platform. Almost everyone here has done it too, comparing ourselves with other. We should stop it now!!!

You will notice that whenever we compare ourselves with others, it makes us feel small, it limits us from pursuing our dreams and aspirations. It is so normal that someone out there will always be better than us in somethings, that shouldn't bother us as we all have our own special abilities and this tells that no one else out there can do the great things we are capable of doing.

The very first day i began writing here, i was somehow doubting the possibility that people will visit my articles. I saw that other people were already making it big both in their earnings and the engagements they get on every article they drop, my fears started from there. Somehow i talked myself out of such mentality, i was lucky i did. No matter how many people are doing the same thing as you, you have special qualities that will make you stand out amongst others. You shouldn't be afraid or jealous of other peoples successes, they have their own unique qualities which they are making use of it, it's in your place to discover yours and make use of it.

They only person you can always compare yourself with is you. Don't look down on yourself because you percieve that someone else is better than you. Everyone of us is endowed with special abilities that makes us different from others.You may see other people doing better but trust me they can never do what you are capable of doing.

Make use of your God given talents and do great things that will inspire you to pursue your dreams. You are unique, no one is like you. So know your worth today.

Lead Image: Unspalsh

Thank you for reading!!

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$ 2.75 from @TheRandomRewarder
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Avatar for pejudear
2 years ago
Topics: Truth, Speak, Celebrate, Value


Good work. Its just like a motivational speech(except for the fact that it was an article, not a speech😂). I am glad you wrote about this topic. Keep up the good work

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thank you Dr. I really appreciate your kind words of encouragement

$ 0.00
2 years ago

The truth might look so bitter but we have to say it out in other to free our mind, because if we refuse to speak out the truth it will just be there in our mind serving as a burdens to us. The truth of it is that no matter how long it might takes, the truth can never be hidden so is better we say it out once and for all.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yeah!! If you don't speak your truth, then another person will help you do it, maybe in a wrong way

$ 0.00
2 years ago