New Life Begins At The End Of Your Comfort Zone

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2 years ago
Topics: Comfort Zone, Dreams

Image Source: Unsplash

My first article here on the platform was about what lies on the outside of our comfort zones. I won't really go back to outline what i shared in the article, but if you are so interested to read what i have there you can check it out here. Today i want to focus more on the things we would do to strp out of our comfort zones.

A new life begins the moment we step out of our comfort zones, and before you can experience this new life, there are some things you will need to do. You must be so determined for it. Some of us do dream of having the best kids, driving the latest cars, living in the best structure around, and enjoying other luxurious things life has to offer. You can't achieve any of this if you are a lazy type who sleeps for 20 hours everyday. They luxury you so desire needs an extra step to be taken by you before it can come.

If magic do happens, it can't happen in this case, don't be limited by the mindset that manner will fall from above one day. Break yourself loose by stepping out of your comfort zones and begin doing things that looks extraordinary. That is what i came up with this topic today to guide you in taking that bold step that will change your life for good.

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How you can do it

First of all challenge yourself. Nothing will spark you up like challenge would do. Stepping out of your comfort zones, you need to challenge yourself to do things that scares you. A seed of corn that has been buried under the earth won't just start growing, it will pass through tough and ugly moments before it will grow into what we have been seeing around. Same thing applied to we humans, if we must grow past the level we use to be before then we must be ready to face some ups and downs. We must be ready to accept challenges that will be a stepping stone to our growth.

Draft out better ways to face every fear that limits you. You know exactly what brings on you each time you think of stepping out of your comfort zone. If you know what scares you, then trust me you will definitely know how to play around it and win. You can't fight what you don't know, get to know what you need, draft out ways to fight every fear that limits you from achieving that thing. Read books that focuses on how to conquer fear, or you talk to trusted people about it. This actions will help you a lot as more knowledge and ideas will be embedded in you. This knowledge and ideas is what will help you step out of your comfort zones.

Get a mentor if necessary. Sometimes the journey of stepping out if your comfort zone might look so boring, uninteresting, and lonely. Yeah!! You may be disappointed by the results you will get, i will advice you look for someone who you trust, someone you can share all your concern with without fear. This people should be someone who has been in the same page like you and they were able to fight their fears of leaving their comfort zone. Listen to them when they are talking to you, follow every step they took while in the process. This will help you get the necessary skills to help you fight your fears and step out of your comfort zone.

Take one step at a time. If you think stepping out of your comfort zone will be so easy that you can do it in one day, then you are mistakened. It will take a lot of time and courage to achieve it, but don't loose hope when in the process. Take one step at a time, start small then arrive big.

Always see yourself confident enough to do any task. You can achieve this if only you are the kind of person who supports every of your move towards achieving your goal. When i mean by support is that, you spark up yourself by saying some positive phrases eaxt time you embark on a goal. Phrases like "yes, i can do it, it is so possible", will help boost you self-confidence that will in turn help you to step out of your comfort zone.

Know the main reason why you want to step out. It is a good thing that you come to a point in your life when you decide to step out of your comf0rt zone, but you have to know the main reason to why you desire a change in your life, what really triggered you to take such decision. The more clear the reason is to you, the more motivated you will be in achieving your dreams.

A new life begins at the end of your comfort zone. The journey of stepping out of your comfort zone will lead to a more confident, positive, and productive you. Improvement on every side will set in. Don't wish to remain in your comfort zone any longer, work towards stepping out if you really want to grow.

Lead Image Source: Unsplash

Thank you for reading!!

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Avatar for pejudear
2 years ago
Topics: Comfort Zone, Dreams


Yes coming out from your comfort zone might not really be easier because much times fear will arise with some good reasons, like telling you if you try this new thing do you think you will succeed?. Coming out from comfort zone is really good we shouldn't only look at the failure aspect we should also look at the success aspect too. Because it's really true that life begins at the end of our comfort zone.

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2 years ago