I visited the right friend today

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2 years ago
Topics: Corn, Visit

Like the prayer I do pray always, 'let me be at the right place at the right time', God really answered that prayer today. I visited my friend this afternoon since I had nothing to do, on getting to their house, I meet her and the junior sister at the back of the house. They were busy separating the corncob from the husk, I joined them since it was much. After about 15 minutes, the whole thing was ready for the next stage which was boiling it. Within me I was so happy that at least I will get to eat a cob of corn this year. I have some of the pictures of when it was still raw and fresh to show us here, I forget to take photos of when it was cooked just because of the excitement.

Photo of the first husk I was trying to remove.

I love corn so much, but I am always careful not to consume too much of it. I see on videos of how people try to prepare it in a different way entirely, but I prefer boiled and grilled corn anyday, anytime, especially the fresh and soft ones. In my country this is the season of corn, during the evening hours as you walk down the streets, roadside sellers will create spots for themselves where they can prepare grilled corn for people to buy. And each of this spot are not always left empty, people are always present to buy, and I cannot help but wonder if this people love eating corn the way I do.

My photo

18 minutes of boiling the corn, it was brought down from the fire and served hot to everyone. The hot one has its own sweetness, I wasn't bothered if my hands will get hurt from the heat ozing out from the corncob. All I wanted to do was quench the hunger of having a bite from the cob. I was able to consume just 4 cobs despite the fact that I love corn so much. I got to understand that no matter how you love a particular food, you can never take more than your stomach can contain. I stepped down the whole thing with a chilled glass of water, relaxed for about 30 minutes then find my way back to my house. Even if I don't get this kind of opportunity again to walk into where they are preparing corn, I am satisfied with the one I have eaten today. But one of this days, I will patronize the roadside sellers so I can buy the grilled one from them.

How do you like your corn?

We all have our own different ways of preparing corn for our consumption. And I will only be talking about two of them.

  • Boiling the corn

  • Grilling or roasting the corn.

Boiling the corn. This is the most used method accepted by a lot of people. This is usually done with the seeds of corn still on the cobs, and the process involved is so simple that anyone can prepare it. Few items will be needed which are water, salt, and butter (optional). I included the butter because I love adding it to my boiled corn, it gives me this magical taste.

Image Source

All you need is to peel the greeny husk from the corncob, make the fire, place your pot on the fire, then introduce clean water and then the corn into the pot and allow to boil for some time. Most people add salt when the corn is still boiling, while some do it after the corn is fully cooked. Depending on how hot the fire is, this process can take you the next 10 - 15 minutes to get done. When it is done, you bring them out from the pot into a clean plate, and your corn is ready. It is better served hot, and this is when I add some butter to it.

Grilling the corn. My love for grilled corn is out of this world, but I am always lazy to prepare it myself. Not because of anything, but the heat from the fire. This process is also simple, but it needs an experienced hand to get the best result of a well grilled corn. Most of the process involved in the boiling is repeated here, but direct heat is required. Peel the husk from the corncob, sprinkle a little salty water on it. Locally, charcoal is used to produce the heat for the grill.

Image Source

Place a rack some inch above the heated charcoal. Roast the corn, make sure to turn it occasionally until the seeds of corns on the cob are lightly browned. Your grilled corn is ready after about 10-15 minutes of roasting. Some people add butter to it, but I don't when grilled. I eat it like that.

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Avatar for pejudear
2 years ago
Topics: Corn, Visit


I prefer the boiled corn as I think it gives more taste although both varieties ate cool enough

$ 0.00
2 years ago

For me the grilled one gives more taste.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

this is actually my favorite, really. i like grilled corn, but the golden one not the white. i just add some butter and it's ready to eat.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Really. That's my best too, but I don't select, any color is okay with me.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I do love corn! I prefer boiling it than grilling because it's hard to chew when it's grilled haha, but still it's very delicious!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yes the grilled corn is always hard but delicious.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Wait, is that your area Edo state? That's the major place I know that have more of white maize/corn. Yeah, the uncooked maize was looking pure white unlike the common yellow type.

I love maize eehhh! Whenever it's it's season in my home town, it's either my Brother travels home to bring them in bulk or I go home myself πŸ˜‹πŸ˜‹

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Nope, not from edo state. I don't know where my friends mom got the corn from, I just walked in and saw it. My love for corn is out of this world.

$ 0.00
2 years ago


I love it more than you do! I can trade two days journey for itπŸ₯³. But I don't fancy buying st roadside, it's too costly there

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yeah, those roadside sellers puts the price of a small cob of corn on a high side. That's why I said I was lucky so to visit my friend yesterday.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I love corn too unfortunately, I couldn't eat the one my mom bought today cos I was sleeping 🀣🀣🀣

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Hehehehe... Then wait for next time.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Wow I really love what I am seeing friend, I will come and get my own share don't finish ok.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I didn't boil it in my place..hehehe.. I had my own share at a friends place.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Can I have some corn.. ?

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Haha.. It's not mine though, I got to eat it in a friends place.

$ 0.00
2 years ago