I Hope You Consider This

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2 years ago

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A very huge part of our life, we sometimes spend it in making sure we impress others, whatever happens we make sure we are there not for ourselves but for those people around us. We may not see the stress in it just because we value the relationship and the love we have for this people, their needs are first while ours comes later. Like imagine, you bought a new car.....and you decide not to drive the car for the next 2-3 years. During this period, the car has been seating under a tree without care of any kind. Trust me that car won't be the same again after seating there for that number of years, some parts will rush, birds will poop on it, everything will change about the car.

This is exactly what will happen to us if we spend all our life pleasing others and forgetting about our own self. Showing up for ourselves will always be a problem because we are too tired after going extra miles to please the people around us. Because we are doing it over and over again, it seems that our life is choked up with lots of activities, that we for how to really care for our own self. Friends if anything will matter first it is us before anyone else. If you don't appear neat and responsible in your office, school etc, nobody will ever want to associate with you, so it is important that we give ourselves the neccessary love and care in order to be the best version of our selves for others.

It is not bad to be there for people when they need us, but don't do it to the extreme where you try to please everybody. When people get use to the fact that you are always showing up for them even when you don't feel comfortable about it, they will begin to use you as a slave that sometimes it makes you forget that you have your own problems that needs to be solved.

When you don't value your own self, you will never value anything that concerns you, you will not value the good moments you find yourself in, nothing will really matter to you. If at some point you get to realize that you are in this kind of situation, just remind yourself that you have what it takes to make everything right. It's just the mindset, if you can change it, then you will feel good about yourself. No matter who you are and what you are, by just accepting yourself will boost your mental energy, you will see yourself first before others.

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I hope you decide to show up for yourself first, accept the fact that you are worthy of everything good. When you show up for yourself first, you've created a better and bigger space to show up for other people around you. Always be happy and grateful for the kind of person you are. If you are still missing it or struggling at some point on the choice to make, it's okay to continue showing up for other people, but be concious of the fact that your own needs should come first. Even when things are not going the right way, always be there for you. Focus more on making a better version of you so that your brightness can radiate to others.

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Thank you for coming around.....

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2 years ago


Thanks for reminding us to put ourselves first and to say no whenever we feel like it.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

This is exactly the best thing we could ever do for ourselves..

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I personally have considered it friend, I started the consideration some years back when I realize that there is no need of impressing other people while I myself is suffering secretly, I refuse to make someone to become proud of me while I am crying silently, you once wrote about self love in one of your article and think I have pinned out some point there.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

So happy to hear that you still have a part of my previous article registered in your memory. This is alone has really sparked up more desire in me to continue writing. Impressing people isn't bad, but all we need to do is remember that we our own self should come first before anyone else.

$ 0.00
2 years ago