Be the good parent to your kids

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2 years ago

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I guess we have more than 100 parents here on this platform, and i believe they are doing what's right for their kids, being the best mum and dad any child will ever wish for. Does your kid see you as a good parent or a bad one?

As a good parent, most of the time you put your child's needs first, give them the necessary attention they need as they are growing up. As a good parent it is not everything you do infront of your child as they are watching you, children nowadays learn from what they see. They try to mimic what they see their parents do, so a good parent should always try to be the best of themselves when they are around their child, know the kind of clothes you wear, the kind of words that comes out of your mouth.

A good parent will always love their child no matter how they look. There is this family living in my neighborhood, both the husband and the wife are still living together with four kids. Out of this four kids, one of the child is deformed and she is a pretty girl. The same love and care the parents gives to the other three, it is the same they give to the deformed girl. Each time i see this i am always broken emotionally. I have read about how parents abandon their newly born babies in the hospital because of deformity they were born with. This kind of people can never be a good parent, and i am not praying for such to happen to anyone of us here, giving birth to a deformed child, but no matter how your child is, try to be good to that soul, love and care for them.

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Like i said before, children of nowadays learn from what they see, what they see you do, immediately they try to do the same thing. The first teacher to a child is the parents before any other person, they first thing they will ever learn is always from the parent. So if you are a kind of parent that talks anyhow, behaves anyhow, just know that someone is learning all of those things from you. I hear some parents say that their child is just a baby that knows or have any idea of what is happening around them. I laugh sometimes to this, a child starts learning from when they turn 1, before now he/she was watching everything you do. From your lifestyle, character, the way you talk, i mean everything....and when they get to this age, they start doing those things they have been seeing you doing.

I am still single with no kid of my own, but i have seen and learn a lot about good parenting. My humble piece of advice to our parents here and the ones that are about becoming a parent.....please live a life that is worth emulating by your children. If through your kind of life you raise a baby child then you have raised a bad society...but a good child raised by a good parent will become a good society.

There is no exact age a child gets to before you can start teaching them some good manners. God so blessed little kids with smartness, they are so smart that sometimes you marvel at were they learned it from. I just remembered a family of ours, each time i visit them their house is always tidied and clean, things still remains in the position were it was kept...but they had a 2 years old child in the house then, he's grown up now. One day i had to ask the mom who i was very much free with how they made their boy behave so calm and not the type that turns the whole house upside down. She laughed and told me that's the way they brought him up, from his 9months they were already teaching him some good manners. The boy knows his limit in the house, he knows the things to play with and the ones he would never dare to touch. Good manners have been taught to this child, if we have this kind of kids in our society, discipline kids, the world will be a better place.

To every parent out there, you have a great responsibility which is being a good parent to your kids. Don't bring kids into this world and make them a burden to the society, but do all you can to be that good dad and mum....teach them what they need to know early, don't wait untill they turn five, grow them in discipline and love. They will give you some tough times, but you will never regret any of your effort you put in raising a good child. There's this adage that says " You can only bend a stick while it is still fresh, but when it dries up you can never bend that same stick as before". Same thing applies to parents, while your kids are still young, teach them the right things they need to know that when they grow up they will never forget or depart from it.

Choose which one you want to be to your children " A good parent, OR A bad parent"

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Thank you for sparing your precious time to read this article. Remain blessed.

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2 years ago


I am a mother of two kids. My husband and I are trying our best to be the best parents for our kids. It's very life changing. I just subscribed.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Really appreciate that. Continue in bringing up your kids right way, you and your partner will never regret you did.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Parents should be the first teachers to their children. At home, children should feel affection and not insecurities, security and not rebellion. Good parents spent quality time for the family.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Definetly true. Parents are the first teachers to their children. At that early stage of their life, they are always eager to learn, parents should be careful of what they do infront of their children as they will try to copy from them.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

What they see to their parents is always good. That's why our guidance as parents should be given to them well.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

It's really good to be the good parents to our kids especially when there are young, grooming up our kids with love and some positive words saying some romantic words to them would definitely make them feel good and feel at home. But what I recently discovered from some parents is that they only shows and pampered their kids when they were younger that's at their age of one to two years but when getting to three to four the love they shown at the first vanished, which this is not really good at all. We should all try our possible best to show love to our kids despite what challenge we might go through in life, they are the best gift from God.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

That is very true....the love we give to our kids from birth should never stop, it should dbe a continuous process till even at their old age.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Whether we like it or not, the kids would most likely adapt and learn habits from what they see at adults so we must all pose a good model for them to grow mature and well.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

You got it right there. If i have a child i would never allow him/her stay around toxic people to aviod raising a bad child.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

A child's parents is the first teacher before any other person in the environment. If a parent wants to show a good child to the society, then they have a responsibility to make sure that they do all they can to raise that child the right way.

$ 0.00
2 years ago