After 4 Months Of Ghosting

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1 year ago

A sigh of relief.......... Were you worried? Sure I was so worried about the decision our good Green Guy took few months ago. But it's a different story today, a lot of people are happy the he is finally back. Thank you Rusty for choosing to come back here. Personally, I missed you so much. After 4 Months of ghosting here, I got to believe these adage that says "there's always a light at the end of the tunnel". Yeah!! Your coming back is the light we've been waiting for.

Let's Expect These Soon..

It's a sure thing that will happen here in a short possible time. The platform was almost becoming a graveyard due to less articles and engagements from the few who were still hanging around. Trust me, when the good news enters the city, Hahahaha....... A lot of members who left will return. Great articles will start pouring in, engagements will increase. And I hope the Admins are ready because it will be fun seeing this happen.

Are You Still That Good Writer?

Hehe!! I wouldn't say much on this one. The answer is the next article you'll be making. For some of us who have lost the passion for writing, it's okay as the return of Rusty will help bring back the great writer you used to be......

Before I sign out and get fully set for the new things Rusty has in store for us, I would love to share a little piece of advice that will help us all.

There's an adage that says "Show me your friend and I will tell you who you are."

How will you know that you are keeping the wrong friend?

Sorry for taking your time with this my boring advice. But it's worth it if you keep on reading. Everyone wants to be a good friend and also have good friends around them, but how will you know that you are with the right association. Look out for these few things to know if you have the wrong people as friends.

They are always Self-centered. If you have a friend who is only interested in how the feel. They don't really care about how you feel, their wish everytime is how you can fit into their world. Then just know that you are making a very big mistake by calling such a person your friend. Friends should always be there for one another and not the other way round. I'm not only preaching these to our friends, we too should try to be good as we want others to be good to us.

You feel like you have to be different. If you behave differently in the midst of your friends before they are impressed, you might be having the wrong people as friends. You can't be pretending to be what you're not before your friends can accept you, they should love you as you are. If they don't wish to accept you for the kind of person you're, just let them go.

You have not mentioned them to your family. If your family is not aware of the friends you have, despite spending a very long time with them, you might be keeping the wrong friends. Maybe there's something odd about them that you wouldn't want your family to know about. You are not just okay to invite them over to your place for dinner. Do yourself a very huge favour and disconnect from such person of people.

Your opinions are nothing to them. If all what your friends does is wait for their turn to air their opinions then sideline your own, you are with the wrong friends. Don't waste your life hang around such a friend or friends. There are a lot of people out to select from to be your friends, someone who is not so self-centered to spend good time with.

I am open for correction, that's why we are friends. These are my own personal views which I felt I should share with you. You can add yours so we learn together.

Thank you for coming around

Images taken from Unsplash

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$ 0.75 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.03 from @Olasquare
$ 0.01 from @Greatwolfman
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1 year ago


Hahaha the green guy sure brought a lot of candy I could tell. Welcome back...again hahaha.

You know you are in a wrong circle when you are getting worse off. Whoever is fueling your weakness is not worth keeping.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Thank you Sir.. Princess hasn't shown up yet. Have you heard from her?

$ 0.00
1 year ago

You that just disappeared to thin air like that. You left a year before rusty went away away too 🤣.

It's good you're good and back. Welcome back🙌

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Hehehe.... So someone was stalking me. But we all disappeared.

$ 0.00
1 year ago


But we all disappeared.

Yes, we all left but you case... 🙄

Welcome back once again

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Hahaha... Abeg leave me joor

$ 0.00
1 year ago

The friends we keep matters alot. They are some friends who will lead you to the wrong way and they are friends who will help you climb the ladder to success. Any friend who doesn't take what you do or say important isn't your friend.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Sure. They are only there to bring you down.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

The good thing is the platform is getting back on its feet 🐾 There is no day I don't come here to check what is going on here but not getting notifications of people post breaks my heart and I can understand what makes them stayed away.

But I hope all of them can start coming back now

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Sure they will. In a week's time members will be fully back.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

I pray so o because I can't wait to see everyone commenting around

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Hehe. It's always fun right. Especially when you have more engagements on your content.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Yeah it is

$ 0.00
1 year ago

You are right about how to know your best friend. Truth thing remains, if your friends are not contributing to your success, then there are not your friends..

$ 0.00
1 year ago

That's just it. Instead of allowing such friendship to destroy you, you quickly end it.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

I was reading through hoping to see you write "He's not your friend if he doesn't get you into trouble", it sounds ridiculous buts it true. Getting into trouble together builds a very strong bond of friendship, I got this from a personal experience.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Yeah! That kind of bonding. It helps builds relationship

$ 0.00
1 year ago

I believe that has a brofht future. There are significant new and old writers that are still active in writing here.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

That's very true. The traffic to the platform will increase soon.

$ 0.00
1 year ago