Love Poetry To My Wife

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3 years ago

I am full of emotions which are sincere my wife. because you are the most beautiful one in my eyes. And the heart without love , is like a rock and I don't want to be like that. The reason I write now the poetry of love. My beautiful wife..


My message

It was to you

Simple like me

And like happy singing workers

Like hugs

I extended my hand

To all friends

In every letter of its Incandescent lines

And in blood I dipped my feather

For you I wrote this lovely words

Love Her

I love her

I love her eyes

Love her scented hair

Love her little face whenever he turns around

I love her sad, warm, collapsing voice

He opens a window in the dark

And rain falls in the morn

I love her


Butterflies love field of roses and lights.

Love her . Oh dawn of my days

O brides of the seas

We Remain Lovers

For your beautiful eyes

I prayed twice

I lit two candles

Cry, my love, Wife

I extends my hand

Through tears of the earth

I am afraid you will wake up

Read my poem

my fair wife

You and me

We remain lovers

I wrote your name

I wrote on the rock

Your Name . O my love »and over the waves of the sea

The wind blew what I wrote

And here I am in captivity

Write it again above the tomb

Because you are always the most beautiful

I began to breathe as flower

And I take you as a substitute for perfume!

because you are the most beautiful

My heart is in the pulse for you

Since my eyes are attracted

In the color of your white robe

Because you are the most beautiful

Sorrow accumulated in my chest

Released with just your smile

And a cursed dance

In my heart

Look: you hit me

With your eyes!

Because you are the most beautiful

I want to have two cute girls from you

The first is enough for her

to inherit from you the purity of your soul

And the second your kindness

And beautiful words that come from your lips

For this I love you

I love you

Because everything in you excites me

And it takes my mind out of my head

Double the beat in my heart

Love is painted on my cheek

Because you are beauty on my face

And the purity in my house

You are the beauty in my eyes

And the beauty of my hair

I love you

Because you feel my pain

In my first voice

And because you see my concern

In my first revelation

And because you are the one who know

The luxury way to my smile

I love you

because I got drunk from your red lips

I feel joy from your great talk

I feel lost in your beautiful black eyes

Writing and drawing is in you!

Writing in you, my beautiful, like a big maze.

That I lost between its long walls

And in its intricate alleys

Start with just one word : I love you

Then millions of word come

Trying to explain it and tell you

Trying to convince you that you are soulmate

That you are the dream that has been awaited for years

That you are the eternal love throughout these years

And if I try to find the description of your beauty

But writing got more complicated!

In what words should I start ?

And what descriptions should I gave ?

Or that your eyes created only to be beautiful

Are your lips accepting to be only delicious?

What about your cheeks?

Do I sing about their redness or swelling?

O my beautiful woman who blinded me from all women

Oh my gorgeous who dispersed the beauty for all women

My sweetheart, I want no other women

O my beloved that brings all the qualities of beautiful women

Tell me what is the way to your description ?

And what a valuable way to master your drawing ?

I say it is like an eternal erosion

Nothing expands your description

Let's agree Darling

Let's agree

You're closer to my heart

The most beautiful, sweetest, and softest beloved

Let's agree

To tell you I love you, Belle

Then you reply: Twice I love you crazy

And that quarrel never ends

Even if fate separated us

Let's agree

That every love in my chest is for you

And that every longing in your chest is for me

Let us agree I am heaven for you

With most beautiful fruits here

And that you be a bright house

I am the wind that drives it

and its most beautiful rain

To have the warmth of winter

And to be my spring of conscience

Let's agree to go back in time two years

I tell you I love you twice

And you just reply with two smiles

Give you two kisses

Then two flowers sprouted in my heart

A flower of love for those eyes

And a mad flower for those lips!

Tomorrow the wishes will be fulfilled

Tomorrow I'm sitting with you

In that place.

Where our hearts meet

Singing my lovely poems

Tommorrow I am taking you

For a romantic movie

And at every shameless shot

I turn to you

I put my hand on your eye

And I say how much I missed you

Tomorrow the wishes will be fulfilled

I see you with me sharing life

I am praying that our wishes fulfilled

And that you are light in my life

Ask me Don't feel Shy

How many years have I lived?

I answered two days

I loved you on their first morning

I left you last night

You were once the hero of a story

I was the happy, miserable person

Ask me, "Why am I so in love with you ?

Why have I have loving only your eyes ?

Your eyes were all the reasons for loving you

Since that eyes are beautiful

Something trapped air in my chest

And making my life more beautiful and thinner near you

I love and adore you, my beauty

Because my mind did not believe the tenderness it saw in your eyes

And because the heart fainted from your beauty

Ask me what you want , my sky moon

Ask me to rest your heart

Ask me about the size of your love in my heart

I say that your love is my world and space

And if I ask about my night and evening

It's dark, long, and sterile without you

Morning and evening

They are absurd if you are not within

Ask me what you want, my moon

All your answers are related to you

All the reasons for you will be compelling

All conditions are available for you

Sir, @MarcDeMesel   @georgedonnelly       @Omar     @Telesfor   @SofiaCBCH @molecular    @RogerVer       @ErdoganTalk      @TheRandomRewarder    if you give me the inspiration, I will get the inspiration to write better.

Thank you reading fellow Readers !

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Written by
3 years ago


Very Nice article

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Thank you sir for comment that articles take me 3 full days to write it . I am greateful

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Very impressive the tekst...

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Nice verses, nicely written, visit my articles as well.

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3 years ago

thank you for compliment

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3 years ago


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3 years ago

thank you

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