Naruto: Rise of a Ninja (2007) Xbox 360 Game Review

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Avatar for patientgamer9
3 years ago

After a few notable appearances on GameCube, PlayStation 2, PlayStation Portable and Nintendo DS, the most famous blond ninja on the planet is tackling the new generation of consoles with a brand new component exclusive to the Xbox 360. For once, Ubisoft Montreal invites us to (re) live the first eighty episodes of the series in an action and adventure game sprinkled with a good dose of fighting. A real gift for the fans or a simple marketing product intended to earn some money off the backs of the players?


Even if all fans know the story by heart, let's remember that Kyubi, a nine-tailed fox demon ravaged the village of Konoha. After the searing defeat of property of the ninjas, the fourth Hokage (the most powerful of them) had no other choice but to sacrifice himself to be able to enclose the soul of the demon in the body of a newborn. About ten years later, the baby has grown well and has become a young blond boy aspiring to the dream of becoming the most potent ninjas (or a Hokage). But his task is challenging since he only shines through his nonsense. His exams are bad, his popularity ratings are low, and his bewildering immaturity leaves more than one in awe of his future as a ninja. It is on this inglorious observation for our young Naruto Uzumaki that the adventure begins.


During the exploration phases, Naruto can walk freely throughout the village and thus find, thanks to a small map displayed on the screen, the various villagers likely to entrust him with a mission. Likewise, the latter has a little symbol displayed above their head to indicate their mood and feelings towards Naruto. What to know in advance if it is better not to take his legs around his neck rather than try to start the conversation. Other small visual clues will also slip here and there, to know if the person is unhappy in love, if he wants to run a race, etc., very useful for carrying out certain side quests. The goal is ultimately to make all the villagers happy by doing them a service to make themselves loved by all and therefore wipe the rejection suffered during the period of learning at the academy of ninjas.

Jumping from roof to roof is fun and searching for all the parts available for your satisfaction is still fascinating. Even though the exploration phases are no longer enough, there are still mini-games and fights. The first ones already mentioned above are all the same enjoyable to play and some, like "the race in the trees" to name only this one, have a certain charm. The fights are quite impressive. The combinations are numerous enough, and the whole is quite dynamic, especially when one takes into account the "substitution". This technique, which can be used by pressing the B button when an opponent is attacking, allows you to carry yourself directly behind your back. This vulnerable one then has no other choice but to bow to the violence of our blows, unless he too uses this same technique again. Suffice to say that the fights, unlike other points of the adventure, are not lacking.


If the players are somewhat divided on the aspect of the gameplay, the graphics will make everyone agree. A mixture of cel-shading and 3D, the sets, like the characters, are extremely well modelled. Konoha radiates beauty, and it is a real pleasure to do a little vacation. Still, the outdoor environments are slightly less inspired. But this little detail is of little importance as the visual slap is felt. We still deplore that this vast universe is rather badly used during missions which force to make many round trips. But whatever, the universe of Masashi Kishimoto is indeed there. Everything is recognizable at a glance, and the possibility of moving on the ground or in the air leaves a little freedom of the most palpable.


Even if the title completely respects the spirit of the saga, we must admit that its excessively low difficulty, the repetitiveness of the actions, the many back and forths and the lifespan of the shortest do not raise this game to the rank of 'Hokage. Despite everything, it amply passes its entrance exam since it offers an irreproachable visual aspect, an immersive soundtrack, an elaborate and well thought out gameplay, mini-games and combat phases which come to diversify the whole.

$ 0.30
$ 0.30 from @TheRandomRewarder
Avatar for patientgamer9
3 years ago


I'm an otaku. I like to watched anime all day and night. Though one piece is my favorite anime, but I'm also big fan of naruto universe. Sadly to say i don't have PS4 or heavy gaming pc that's why i can't play this game. Thank you for sharing such a great review dear. Hope you will post more like this

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Thank you for the kind comment, sorry that I only saw it late!

$ 0.00
3 years ago