Platform Injury Vs BCH Productivity Period
Three days of not publishing articles, unlike usual yesterday. Even though the article was not published, I continued to explore, read and see the events that occurred from morning to night. If it is said, enthusiasm is starting to wane, so I have to answer yes. This is the reality, there are times when I have to cheer everyone up here but can I be held accountable for my ridicule and scolding, maybe my head should be down. Can't force people's will, if it poisons other people's minds maybe I've done it. Struggling to keep people afloat it's like I have to face the mirror and ask the mirror, who am I? Am I a platform owner? Am I a donor?, I have to realize that I'm just an ant who wants to survive and look for food. Don't think too much about the platform, just go our way. Just go with the flow and just go with the flow.
Let's leave that and behold, the enthusiasm people have for using BCH is amazing. Can this be said that the poison of kindness has spread to everyone. Interesting to watch, some time ago Paytaca (a payment service provider platform or wallet) made a big invention in disseminating BCH to visitors.
The purpose of this event organized by Paytaca is to provide education to everyone in making payment transactions using Bitcoin Cash. We can see that the tendency of people to use BCH as a transaction tool is developing very well. Paytaca's performance must be appreciated in organizing this event. Apart from being successful in holding it, what is also very interesting is the involvement of ordinary people in studying and understanding the performance of cryptocurrencies, especially Bitcoin Cash.
The existence of BCH continues to grow, this time it's no longer talking about payment mechanisms but about products. I've actually always longed to use a physical product with a Bitcoin Cash theme. I've been using BCH for several years, but until now I haven't had a physical product. Thankfully, recently SwagMe has launched a BCH-themed t-shirt product.
This is the time to dedicate the good of BCH in my life, the costume is the color of the heart and it is my color. If you don't have one yet browse through (sorry I'm not a brand ambassador), the price is affordable.
Something that must be appreciated, even though we are currently experiencing injuries but they can be treated.
Seems like only a few left here.. 🤧