Not Satisfied In Childhood

10 52

Have you ever returned to childhood with innocent thoughts and actions playing with peers lunging, jumping, charming, running, crouching and other silly actions carried out without limit obstacles and obstacles do not become a burden in the mind when seeing the beauty of man-made forms from the initial image universe. Acting like minors is an interesting thing to remember and do because that's when we will get to know life in character growth, interesting patterns of thinking, attitudes and actions.

I went back to that time when yesterday, our group in my village went to a tourist place very far from our settlement, a very long journey and tiredness in a four-wheeled vehicle was finally paid off by meeting an amusement park with a childish feel. The state of this place is like I was back in 20 years ago when I was still peeing my pants, shameless because children's souls don't know what to do so that people don't laugh at being the subject of unbearable chattering of mouths.

Green grass and playground for children.
Look at the old man in the back sitting enjoying the swing toy..haha

I was like a baby who was present in a place with green grass with an iron swing hanger that could make me fall asleep while sitting there but now everything has changed when the parents and youth climbed it I laughed to myself seeing it and in my heart said these are the ones who are not satisfied with childhood so that their smile also returned like a child apart from mother's supervision.

The water pool is ready and adults will descend in it.
A combination of children and adults playing pool water
Be like children

An interesting view is also seen from the pool for swimming which is not too deep, maybe about 80 cm deep and indeed very shallow, suitable for children, but because it is rare to find things in my village because of the mountainous area finally adults also come down and play in the water.

Small eggplant beside the pool for teenagers and young people resting after playing in the pool

If you look at it at a glance this place is indeed dedicated to children and teenagers because the nuance is more towards a playground for children but I also think that the pleasures of adults and parents have also merged in this place because happiness does not always come at the age of young and old . We will also certainly return to childhood when old age will lose our thinking power and memory of maturity meaning when old age comes our lives will be like the mindset of children and that's what happened to my grandparents.

This incident illustrates that everyone's happiness is not always looking for adult life but also the nuances of a child's life being an interesting thing to do because life has no limits and freedom is the best way to unlock happiness.

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When I was young I was excited when we are going to a resort. It really gives me the childhood feeling when I saw the pool. I remember I always go to the most smallest ft of pool because I am small.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

that's childhood that may return when I see this I also feel the same when I'm in a place like this, one thing that might be in my mind is nostalgia when everything is in front of me and I just smile.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Keep that child in you alive. It's good that we can have fun once in a while and release our inner child :)

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Children must also be considered because the period of growth is also so that they can grow and develop into useful human beings.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I'm glad that your having a great time yesterday and just enjoy it while it last. Love the swing.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

thank you my friend, it was the happiest day i have ever felt in my whole life with the people who filled the place where children should prioritize.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Sometimes tlga friend nkkapag think the pleasure of returning to childhood. The child's memories are happy aren't they?

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Childhood memories are very strong when you see the toys you played with as a child and that's how it felt when we were in this park.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I am glad that you enjoy your errands yesterday my dear friend. Sometimes we really need to skip the busyness of reality and have some fun. The place looks so beautiful and the water from pool looks so cold and tempting. Anyway the swing is literally for all ages, but when I was a kid I don't like swing, even until now actually 😅.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

That's how I felt yesterday when the combination of people from children to parents continued to enjoy the beauty of the rides.

$ 0.00
2 years ago