Night Moon Can't Smile

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The silent night I was silent looking at the charm of the moon shining brightly with the light shining reflecting the eyes towards the middle of the light covering an empty heart there was no friend in talking and telling stories as if the moonlight was fighting feelings that were whipped so spicy that it pierced the spine. I feel remembering the dark times and can't smile facing the moonlight that can't be blocked by the clouds if the moon can talk maybe he will scold me gently and say why are you alone I can't smile seeing you with such a heavy face like someone who has lost half a soul.

The moonlight tonight I took it from the side of the house with a light that blends and looks one point but radiates clearly.

The moonlight has radiated its love but my heart remains on what I feel can't change, if only everyone was like the moon who didn't choose love to receive its light, maybe feelings would not be whipped to a world that continues to teach lessons about the meaning of life. A very cruel hard time befell me with the memory of the mind returning in the silence of the night the world seemed to turn and spin not clockwise.

The point of the moon from behind a large papaya tree with clearly visible colors from the green papaya leaves and one point of the moon that is still visible.

My head is bowed when remembering the dark times that have hit my body but the moonlight with its white light has lifted my head as if to give the meaning I have to rise from all the difficult times that have taught me to fall and get up from the torment of feelings because the heart is separated from happiness and peace. The moon is always there when the time comes to replace the sun at noon but my heart is always in my inner being every time it hits like rain that won't stop hitting the roof tiles, time to make people lock themselves in the house.

The atmosphere is different from the leaf buds of a small papaya tree, but the width of the leaves is as if the moon is above it.

I'm sad in the moonlight but the moon doesn't laugh at me like people who don't want to see me happy, they can only see me in a state of not being able to move against the bitter taste of the water of life. Why is bitterness greater than happiness? maybe the moon will smile hearing that because he is older than me but I just saw him looking at me with tension and not giving any suggestions.

The moonlight has opened a new leaf with books and writings, leaving old records that cannot be recounted. The moonlight tonight makes my heart full of light and light but I am very concerned when the moon is not able to give a smile to comfort a lonely heart.

$ 2.22
$ 1.95 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.05 from @King_Gozie
$ 0.04 from @HappyBoy
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The moon will always shine for us. It will always give it's light for us specially at our darkest hour and so we must continue to rise no matter how hard the situation we were in to.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

a good analogy my friend, it is true that the moonlight will illuminate a dark life and will make us rise and grow with time and a process that will continue to be illuminated by light in the darkness of the night.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yes, my friend, we must always rise again after all the difficult times that life imposes on us. The moon has always been the hope of our lives in our dark times.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

It is only in us, my friend, to make something change when we fall into a problem, direct ourselves as much as possible so that we can rise from the pressures and burdens of life.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

How lucky you were to see the eclipse last night and be able to take photos, unfortunately I didn't know and I was without internet so I missed this majestic show, I hope to have another opportunity like this:(

$ 0.00
2 years ago

it was the most interesting month I've ever seen him accompany me when alone without anyone accompanying but he never smiled.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I love to see moon.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I also just saw the moon as beautiful as this most of my eyes saw the moon that was blocked by clouds.

$ 0.00
2 years ago