Main Job Vs Side Job

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image source from pixabay

Work has always been the main thing in life without a job you will not live the greater the level of work the greater the income opportunities. Job demands vary according to a person's capacity and ability to manage jobs that are suitable for his skills.

Are you used to work that doesn't match your skills?

The demands of work often make a person hampered because he cannot do work consistently, not because of laziness and negligence but because of difficulties in adapting to operate the job. Everyone wants big results when doing work but high job classification drowns out hope of having a big income giving rise to various speculations about earning in different ways.


In the world of work, the main thing that needs to be prepared is education and skills because entering the world of work you must have intellectual skills based on learning from elementary, middle and college schools. This is necessary because you can think, communicate, adapt in the world of work.

When the educational process has been completed, of course you already have a background of expertise in the field of education and become a scholar from various educational backgrounds such as doctors, nurses, teachers, economics, law, government, agriculture, fisheries, industry, architecture, etc.

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This educational background is the basis of expertise to work in the private and public fields so that the job classification offer puts forward a diploma as a strong basis for work.

Main Job Not Using Educational Background

There are also jobs that do not use educational backgrounds such as farmers, traders, laborers, small entrepreneurs or stalls. Almost all types of work without a diploma are personal management and have nothing to do with companies, organizations or government institutions.

This work is often found in the community, especially in rural areas because of the lack of enthusiasm for them to take education.

Main Job Weaknesses

Because the demands of job classification make some people take the initiative to change their paradigm in order to be able to adapt in the world of work, giving rise to several factors that weaken the main job.

  • More and more enthusiastic parents send their children to graduate school so that it absorbs the costs so big.

  • The large number of graduation rates or bachelor's degrees, causing increasingly fierce competition to enter the world of work.

  • There are fewer job opportunities because many workers have already entered while there are still many graduates who have to look for work according to their fields.

  • Unemployment rate is increasing because there is no balance between job seekers and job seekers.

  • Most of the basic salaries are set by the government for equality of workers so that many companies cannot afford to pay as well as jobs in government agencies. All basic salaries are set so that workers only have a basic salary every month according to the agreement.

  • Management work itself often suffers losses due to natural events, difficulty managing finances due to lack of intellectual and educational background.

Because of the problems of work, so many people look for innovation and new ways by using their minds to open their horizons by using the collaboration of scientific and technological advances so that creativity becomes a basic skill to be able to make money without having to take education at large costs, they learn self-taught and hone their own skills and expertise .


Many people say that the main job should come first while the side job is only a time filler when the main job is finished. This statement is indeed rational but in reality now many work shifts from the main job to a side job.

image source from pixabay

It may still be felt today, when the pandemic hit the world, all workers had to be put home and even some workers had to suffer because their rights as workers had been terminated by the company due to bankruptcy. This problem makes some people have to find a solution in order to get an income so that side jobs turn into main jobs.

It's interesting when the main job has to be lost and replaced with a side job not because of something funny but facts have proven it.

Side jobs have become a pillar for all circles and have become a part of human life, many people with bachelor's degrees turn around their fields to be involved in online media work such as blogging, youtubers, content creatives, cryptocurrency, gamers etc. all types of side jobs using online media have been opens people's view that the source of income does not only come from the main or real job.

Some of the driving factors so that many people leave their main or real jobs to turn to side jobs or online, such as the following.

  • The termination of the employment relationship between workers and the company and government work institutions.

  • Not everyone can afford to go to school because the cost limitations and the length of the education process make people bored.

  • The smaller the number of jobs, the higher the unemployment rate in the community.

  • Results or income from a side job often exceeds the base salary of the main job in some cases the side job excels 65%-70% of the earnings result.

  • Side jobs do not require basic rules so that in any time and situation freedom is a person's way of expression in his work.

  • In addition to earning income, work in online media has always been a place of entertainment.

This is an indication that a side job in online media is the target of everyone to earn money as a means of fulfilling life's needs. But it must be remembered that work in the online field has its drawbacks too, there are several factors that affect the weakness of this job such as;

  • Not everyone understands about technology and networks so this work is only done by certain groups of people.

  • The goods are quite expensive, such as cellphones, laptops, computers, wifi. for people with middle to lower social status it is very difficult to buy this item.

  • Online media work is always synonymous with internet networks, many certain areas cannot access the network because they are far from urban areas or where they are located in rural areas.

  • Disasters or natural events greatly affect the grid and electricity so that this has an impact on many users being unable to work with their fingers due to power outages.

  • Online jobs can be destroyed when the world's network crashes or disappears.

Every job has its own advantages and disadvantages, therefore as humans who are given by God the talents, brains, minds to translate each skill in each of them to be useful. Always consider your options with wisdom using a rational mindset according to your abilities and expertise.

$ 4.11
$ 3.83 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.05 from @Porwest
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I think I can relate, I have a job, a permanent one but I'm not thay happy, but it can provide for my family's needs so I have to bear with it.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

keep trying with the current job and rest assured that every work done will definitely pay off. my friend, if you are not currently feeling happy, try to reflect on the situation with positive thoughts, surely you can be happy and stay motivated.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Been there, my friend. I had to work because I needed it, but did not enjoy most of it.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I like the way you are my friend, work while you can because to support all your needs does not only depend on one person, I get positive advice from you because a woman also has the intention to work and get results I support this statement.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I have been working independently since 2020, and I am completely proud, because it is the style of work that I like, that which is from my own schedule and according to my abilities, that makes me grow without limits, exploiting my hahi

$ 0.00
2 years ago

continue to create opportunities to get results in work according to your own way no need to follow other people's work because everyone's abilities are different inspiration and motivation can come from others but the best way to work is your expertise. stay consistent my friend

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Hopefully the job hiring qualifications in the country will change. I hope they don't just choose the person who has written a lot in the biodata or resume, but also the one who has written a little but persistent in his work.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I hope that what you wish for can come true because living in a country that has a population density that has to struggle in life is indeed very difficult to compete.

$ 0.00
2 years ago