What is Agenda 21?

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2 years ago
Topics: Economy, Finance, Agenda, Life, Health, ...

Agenda 21 is supposedly a 'non binding' action plan drawn up by the United Nations at the 'earth summit' in Rio de Janerio back in 1992.

The stated aims of Agenda 21 are to promote 'sustainable development' and tackle issues such as global health, poverty and inequality around the world.

Leaders from 180 countries around the world attended this 'earth summit' and signed up to implement the ideas set to ensure 'sustainable development' and 'protect the planet'.

The 'earth summit' in 1992 drew up plans for 'sustainable development' to protect the planet.

Although this agreement is 'non binding' it has a great deal of influence over sovereign nation states.

Every country in the world now is complelled to do all it can to to implement the ideas set out in 'Agenda 21'

Some examples of these ideas are listed below.

  • Carbon emmisions Net Zero by 2050

  • All new cars to be electric by 2035

  • Gas boilers to be scrapped and replaced with heat pumps

  • A Smart meter in every home

  • New carbon emmision taxes on buisnesses

I wonder how all of this will this impact our lives?

Agenda 21 talks at length about the need for 'sustainable development' and the issue of the growing population.

According to the document unless we change our behaviour and reduce our consumption significantly there will not be enough resources and food for everyone on the planet in the future.

Agenda 21 states the following:

"Although consumption patterns are very high in certain parts of the world, the basic consumer needs of a large section of humanity are not being met. This results in excessive demands and unsustainable lifestyles among the richer segments, which place immense stress on the environment. The poorer segments, meanwhile, are unable to meet food, health care, shelter and educational needs.

What does that mean? It sounds to me like a plan to redistribute the wealth by taxing those who have worked hard and become succesful. Their lifestyle is unsustainable!

Their wealth should be shared out to help those who are less fortunate than them. This sounds okay in theory but how will this policy be implemented?

If the rich are going to be facing huge taxes due to their success and be in effect punished for doing well then what incentive is there to succeed?

Lets not forget that these rich people provide jobs and therefore contribute much to society already, in fact in the UK the richest 1% pay nearly 35% of all the income tax revenue.

The free market economy is in my view the best model.

Many people would rather be able to work than not, even if their pay is not great, however if companies offer poor wages they are unlikely to attract the best staff.

Companies also need to make a profit and increasing taxes and regulation makes this more difficult. If businesses cannot operate at a profit then they will close down and the poor will be even worse off without a job at all.

Businesses need to be able to make a profit in order to create jobs

Creating a society where everyone is equal has been tried before and has never succeded.

Human nature is competitive and for all the inequality that we have in the world today it is still true that under the free market, capitalist model the poorest in society are better off than those living under socialist or communist rule.

It seems that Agenda 21 has socialist objectives as the means of achieving this fair and equal society will be by gradual reform rather than a revolutionary act.

The 'sustainable development' and 'green agenda' will change our lives dramatically.

We are bound to hear more and more about 'sustainable development'

Technology is advancing at a rapid pace, automation will change the way we work in the future.

Crops will be genetically modified to increase yields to try to provide for everyone, though this could have unforeseen concequences.

Population growth seems to be a problem that needs to be addressed.

Agenda 21 states the following:

"Policies should be designed to address the consequences of population growth built into population momentum, while at the same time incorporating measures to bring about demographic transition."

Agenda 21 also talks about the need for mass vaccinaton programes, particuarly in developing countrires and with the current covid pandemic around the world this is being talked about more than ever.

Lets hope this vaccination programe is successful and we are able to save lives with this programme, however with the objective of vaccinating the 'whole world' lets hope that they have got this right! There is a chance that vaccinations may speed up the emergence of new vaccine resistant variants and we will in effect enter an arms race against the virus.

The pandemic has had a huge effect on the way we live, and has speeded up the impementation of the green agenda. More of us are working from home, we are travelling less too. This suits the enviromentalists as our carbon emmisions have been reduced.

At the 'World Econonic Forum' meeting in Davos, which took place in January 2020 Klauss Shwab quoted the following:

"The pandemic represents a rare but narrow window of opportunity to reflect, reimagine, and reset our world"

The pandemic is seen as an 'opportunity' for a reset, how does that sound to you I wonder.

I believe that we should strive to take good care of our planet and think about the impact that our way of life has on the enviroment. However the threat of an imminent climate disaster is being greatly exagerated to soften us up to embrace the new green taxes for our own good.

Never mind that the raw materials used for lithium ion battery technologies are also very harmful for the enviroment.

If you wish you can read more about this by following the link below.


It is difficult to recycle the raw materials as well, let alone the carbon footprint of building a new vehicle in the first place.

The World Economic Forum agenda is that there will be no personal property ownership by 2030. In their video, they state “You will own nothing and you will be happy.” This video was removed from the 'World Economic Forum' official channel as they did not like the negative press it received, the clip has been reposted many times though and can be viewed here.

(Edit I posted a YouTube clip before but it is now impossible to find, so here is an updated link on BitChute)


I don't know about you but I don't really like the sound of this. Like many other people I have worked hard to save up to try to buy a house and buy things for my family and I don't want to give this all back to the state, for the sake of saving our planet.

Take a closer look at Agenda 21 and you will see that there is much more to it than you would assume at first glance.

We hear about climate change every single day on the media. The climate has always been changing and how much of that is down to man is debatable, though we are told that the science is settled. By definition true science is never 'settled' though if you were a top scientist working for a big corporation would you dare to speak up about it?

I hope you found this article interesting and thought provoking.

Article is my own

Pictures: Pixabay

Video: YouTube

Quotes from Agenda 21 document, source below:


If you would like to check out my other articles you can do so here.


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2 years ago
Topics: Economy, Finance, Agenda, Life, Health, ...


I don't know what to feel about it really, I love nature and those who have the power should take care of it more.

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2 years ago