Omicron and on and on

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2 years ago
Topics: Health, Politics, Economy, Vaccine, COVID, ...

Winter has arrived and with it another new variant of Covid-19 called 'Omicron' which is said to have originated in South Africa and has now spread throughout europe and has, at the time of writing been confirmed in 6 different US states.

This new variant is also said to have 'mild symptoms' though may be able to spread more easily than the 'Delta' variant which is still the dominant strain.

Here in the UK there is pressure for the government to re-introduce restrictions which to date has currently been resisted.

My question regarding all this current panic, (which in my view is being hyped up by the media) is what will a new lockdown actually achive?

We have been living with Covid-19 close to 2 years now and in the UK nearly 90% of all adults have been vaccinated with a vaccine which is said to be '95%' effective at preventing serious illness.

We have stopped all incoming flights from South Africa, but this is really much like closing the stable door after the horse has bolted.

The travel restrictions which have been in place since the vaccine became available has meant that only fully vaccinated people or those who have already recovered from covid have been able to travel, which means that the virus must have arrived here in the UK from someone who was fully vacinated, or a child under 12 who would not need a vaccine passport.

Are vaccine passports proving effective in stopping transmission of covid-19, picture courtesy of pixabay.

Do these travel restrictions make any sense?

Would it not be better to simply allow people to provide a negative test before they travel?

I mean if they test negative then they are not a risk to others, if they are not vaccinated they are only a risk to themselves surely.

Also if Covid is so highly infectious and they are worried about people travelling then why is more not being done to address the crisis at the southern border of the USA and also more not being done to tackle the issue of migrant making their way to the UK on overcrowded dinghys.

If the governments were serious about slowing the spread then surely tackling this should be a priotity.

I feel that the response to this pandemic has been disproportionate and is unfairly trying to blame the minority of people who as yet are 'unvacinated'.

The measures taken in tackling this have gone too far, hospital waiting lists are longer than ever, there have been many missed disgnosises for cancer and other life threatening conditions, people have lost their jobs, the economy has stalled, and the tax burden for future generations will increase to pay for all the quantative easing and furlough scheme.

Let alone the long term effect on children who have missed out on much of their education and had to do many of their lessons remotely.

The collateral damage is immense, though the official narrative dare not be questioned.

Covid-19 for which the majority of healthy people will survive has reshaped our world and our lives in ways which a few years ago would have been unthinkable.

If you are at risk from covid or have underlying health conditions, you are free to take the vaccine and of course take sensible precautions for example regular handwashing and practicing good hygine in general.

I am worried personally about the possiblilty of having to have a covid booster every year in order to live a normal life. The UK prime minister has already said that the definition of what it means to be 'fully vaccinated' may have to change to include a 3rd booster shot.

How have we come to this, and why is this whole narrative not being questioned more!

The media has the public under a form of mass phycosis, the object of anxiety is the virus, vaccines are the only solution is what we are led to believe.

Well we have had vaccines for nearly a year now and look where we are today.

This goes on and on and on!

If you made it to here, thank you for reading, you can check out some of my other articles below if you wish.

Article is my own

Pictures courtesy of pixabay

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2 years ago
Topics: Health, Politics, Economy, Vaccine, COVID, ...


Omicron is said to be milder but the effect is for much longer. That's what they say makes it so dangerous. I dunno what's going on with the world but I hope we all learn our lessons from whatever is happening.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

yeah it sure is like a never ending cycle, a new source of revenue for the big pharma shit show, paid for at the compliant tax payers expense, maybe it is high time people started withholding taxes until a competent government is elected and those responsible are held accountable

$ 0.02
2 years ago

I am sorry but your title made me sing..Omicron and on and on and on...Yeah, Omicron isn't as deadly as Delta and it is much similar to the Beta variant etc, etc..Media is creating a hype and I don't like it to be honest.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Lol, funny it made you sing, I actually thought of the title after an tv advert in the 80's for a washing machine brand called 'Ariston' I have posted a link to the advert below.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

It's really alarming that there's a new variant found in South Africa I'm worried to my country since i think there's no cases of Omicron yet the government need need restrict overseas travels in order to prevent the transmission. The government also need to reduce the incoming flights from other countries and monitor all the passengers in order to prevent Omicron from entering the country.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

I get it if you are worried about all this, though for most people it is a fairly mild illness, if you have chosen to be vaccinated then you should have some protection. I find that being over anxious can be bad for our health too. Of course be sensible and take precautions but I do feel that the media is somewhat alarmist, it's like living in constant fear if we watch too much of the news.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Covid-19 came and explained to everyone what a disease is and what an epidemic is. I have heard that Covid-19 is much stronger than Nineteen. May God protect everyone from all epidemics. Omnicron is more powerful.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

We will see in a few weeks time how this all unfolds, in the meantime, lets pray that things will get better and this surreal nightmare will come to an end in the not too distant future.

$ 0.00
2 years ago