The first medical journal powered by Bitcoin Cash (progress update)
This is an update on One.Surgery's project to develop a new model of peer review publishing - low cost, high quality, ethical, affordable, equitable and beautiful!
With the power of Bitcoin Cash, the journal offers a paradigm changing "community funded" model, where articles are released with a price tag (covering the journal's transparent publishing costs), but allow anyone in the world to access the research through a Bitcoin Cash micropayment. Any payments coming into the article gradually pay off the price tag - and once the journal has recouped its (minimal) costs, the article is freely accessible to all, and the science is fully owned by the community.
Furthermore, the journal will be designed that the model can be replicated seamlessly with minimal costs. So if the project is successful, we anticipate the spawning of multiple scientific journals powered by Bitcoin Cash - changing the entire industry forever.
This is in stark contrast to multibillion dollar scientific publishing industry, where authors are often asked to pay in excess of $2000-30000 to publish one single article.
In December 2020, One Surgery successfully Flipstarted with the BCH community to fund this project. Here is an update to the BCH community, to demonstrate we are still on track for a 2021 official launch!
The editorial board
One Surgery has already started developing a world class, diverse editorial board from all over the world. We are still recruiting board members to make it truly representative of region, gender and opinions. Here are some demographics and key skills of our current board.
Board members by location:
By demographic and interest:
Manuscript submission and other portals
There are a number of integrated portals that the journal will function on, including a manuscript submission service, a peer review portal, type editing, and ofcourse, BCH and possible token payments!
We aim to design a beautiful interface that makes submissions, peer review and publishing pleasurable and as easy as possible for all stakeholders (as well as super low cost)! We have started the first step, a beautiful manuscript submission service, here is a sneak preview:
So once again, thank you so much for the support, we haven't hit any major road blocks (yet!) and we are still on time and budget roadmaps!
As a side note, we are hoping to launch a really cool awards programme for excellence in the field of global surgery, and would love to give out BCH awards (and NFTs) to excellent researchers and those involved in surgical care across the world. If you would be interested to sponsor some of the awards, please visit: or read about it here:
Thank you all so much,
Saqib Noor (founder of One Surgery)
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