Fitness: 8th October 2021 + A Did You Know Fitness Question

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2 years ago

Good Morning

Yesterday, I went to sleep earlier than usual and got up later than expected. That means I slept a lot. Is that a good thing? I don't know, but I am getting a lot done, so let's take it as a good thing.

As we enter October, the days are getting hotter. I guess this would continue until November, and then we will see the temperature bottoming. So, pleasant days ahead. However, today morning was still lovely, and that could be thanks to the late-night showers.

My morning walk was, therefore, in pleasant weather. It was good, and I thought I could do more; maybe, a little longer walk tomorrow. Once back home, I got on with my ho'oponopono sessions. Trust me, those are game-changers in our life. And I am not even touching upon meditation yet. Whoa, we should be skyrocketing just by conditioning our mind and soul. It's more like conditioning our mind to align with our soul.

That said, a good start with the right mindset can propel our day to awesomeness. I wish to continue having these fantastic days, and I hope you find yours too.

Anyway, that's it from me for now. I will see you all tomorrow.




Did You Know?

The record for the most chin-ups with a 40 lb pack (male) is held by Ron Cooper of Massachusetts, USA. Ron completed 30 chin-ups in one minute, earning him an entry into the Guinness Book of records.

Ron holds more than 23 records, and we will be looking closely at each in the coming few days.

Phew! That man is incredible!


Image Courtesy: Geralt @Pixabay |



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2 years ago
