Fitness: 7th June 2022 + A Did You Know Fitness Question

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2 years ago

Good Morning

My tryst with the hurting back of the heel continues, and it still baffles me. The back of the heel hurts when I walk; however, it completely vanishes when I run. What kind of miracle is that? I wonder if I will ever have an answer to that. So, should I keep running non-stop like Forrest Gump? 😊

The good part is that the running never stops, and I can continue my morning regime. The only change over the current week is my continued focus on weights, besides stamina training (running and walking).

So, how was my regime today?

Today morning started with my regular run. I managed four kilometers over inclines and a couple of kilometers of walk. I had to rush back for some household chores, and once it was done, I got a brief break to focus on weights.

I focused on my arms and abs today. I got more reps at a faster pace. I am sure I can get more reps around my abs. That would be one of the focus areas over the next few days. I couldn't resist planks and some stress training as well. It was quite a fun day!

And then it was time for some meditation and Ho'oponopono. I spent about half-hour on the two. Here is my write-up on the topic for those wanting to learn more about Ho'oponopono.

What Is Ho'oponopono? | The Hawaiian Healing Technique

Have fun reading and practicing.

Anyway, that's it from me for now. I will see you all tomorrow.




Did You Know?

Zydrunas Savickas of Lithuania holds the record for the Fastest Power Steps. Fastest power steps refers to the activity of carrying three 225 kg weights separately over a flight of five stairs in the quickest time.

Zydrunas carried the three weights over the five steps in 31.6 seconds. The record was set on 26th June 2014 in Milan, Italy.

Zydrunas also holds the title of 2014 World's Strongest Man. That's some enviable list of records! 😊 


Image Courtesy: Geralt @Pixabay |


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2 years ago
