Fitness: 30th August 2021 + A Did You Know Fitness Question

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2 years ago

Good Morning

So, here we are starting a new week, and it is quite a pleasant and beautiful one. Monday from childhood days was a bit of an anti-climax coming after holidays on Saturday and Sunday. But lately, I am enjoying Mondays, or it is just work that has got so interesting that I can’t wait to get started.

Anyway, I did follow my fitness regime today as much as yesterday and the day before. Today was about body, mind, and soul, and I intended to touch upon every aspect of my fitness.

The good part is that I have already gotten through the exercises' on the physical and mental side, and the spiritual remains for a little later. I had a few ho oponopono done in the morning, and I followed it with some weight exercises.

I followed the quadruplet form for my weight exercises and just loved it. Here is my quadruplet for the day:

  1. Pushups

  2. Crunches with weights

  3. Reverse Crunches

  4. Biceps

I will be meditating later in the day. I have a small gap in the afternoon and then later in the night. So, I will have to check which best suits me and get on with my meditation. Maybe, I will do both times. Let’s see. 😊

Anyway, that’s it from me for now. I will see you all tomorrow.




Did You Know?

The record for the most planche pushups is held by Temur Dadiani of Georgia.

Planche pushups differ from regular pushups in two ways – the hand is positioned closer to the hips and not closer to the shoulders, and two, the feet are in the air and the only thing supporting the body during pushups are the hands alone.

Temur did 36 planche pushups in one minute on 3rd August 2014. That record still stands.

Okay, those planning to challenge, first check how many normal pushups you can do in a minute. 😉


Image Courtesy: Geralt @Pixabay


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2 years ago
