Fitness: 28th June 2021 + A Did You Know Fitness Question

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3 years ago

Good Morning

With a long weekend, I was back to staying on with my fitness regime this week. I am ensuring that I don’t eat junk while on with the fitness goals. I wonder if I could still have some cheat days. Hmm. Really wonder. 😊

Back in March 2020, I remember losing interest in the junk with my focus on fitness. It was no more an idea of staying away from things but not wanting those things. So, yeah, that is the ideal situation to be in.

So, let’s see if I can get myself out of junk completely. I am sure I can. Anyway, being the start of the week, I focused on mind alignment through meditation and ho oponopono. The meditation part was outstanding. The calmness that comes in the midst of all the noises around is just next level.

Tomorrow, I plan to continue with the run and maybe some weights. I will, anyway, update you on that by tomorrow.

That’s it from me for today. I will see you all tomorrow.




Did You Know?

Tazio Gavioli holds the record for the fastest explosive pull-up ascent. The record is for using a pull-up bar and jumping yourself up to the next point with nothing but your body’s momentum. No other body part touches anything. Only hands holding the bar.

Tazio pulled himself up to the 7-meter mark in just 10.27 seconds. In doing so, he nearly halved the previous record of 19.5 seconds.

Take a look at his attempt:

Note: The actual record attempt starts at the 0.50-minute mark.

That is nothing less than superhuman!!


Image Courtesy: Geralt @Pixabay


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3 years ago
