Fitness: 27th September 2021 + A Did You Know Fitness Question

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2 years ago

Good Morning

You know, over the last few days, my body just did not want to lie down. I am in a bit of discomfort while lying down, and I am not sure where the pain is. I can feel backache lying down and totally uncomfortable lying on the sides. It is an odd situation, but strangely, I can sleep well sitting. ☹ It is hilarious, and yet I am not sure what's going on. It has never happened to me before.

Anyway, despite the odd situation, the mornings are still pleasant. You have no idea how glad I am getting out of bed. Tell me, isn't that a good thing? Yeah, you bet. I am just surprised at the way it is happening. Anyway, how did my day and my fitness regime go?

Today, I started with weights after some time. I just kept it to my shoulders, abs, and biceps. It was more of a triplet form of exercise. What was my triplet?

Here it is:

  1. Biceps

  2. Crunches with weights

  3. Back and Shoulders with weights

That was a satisfying session. After that, I got on with my Ho'oponopono sessions. I think I did about five rounds. The only thing that I couldn't do so far is meditation. I will get on with it in the afternoon or maybe in the evening. Let's see.

Anyway, that's it from me for now. I will see you all tomorrow.




Did You Know?

The fastest man on his hands is Zion Clark of the U.S. He zoomed 20 meters in just 4.78 seconds. The thing about the man is that he is differently-abled and still is a wrestler, motivational speaker, and now a Guinness Record holder.

You can watch him here as much as the record.

If you see Zion's record run, you will be astonished that the first run was faster, but the sensors did not pick it up. So, he did a second run which was still sub-five seconds.

Now, that's some record. 😊


Image Courtesy: Geralt @Pixabay


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2 years ago
