Fitness: 24th October 2022 + A Did You Know Fitness Question

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1 year ago

Good Morning

While my vacation continues, I am pretty excited about the outings to more than 2000-year-old caves with intricate stone carvings. We had been to Ajanta yesterday, and it was a fantastic experience. How could someone carve out caves from mountains and that too with such detailed stonework? Just amazing!

There was an additional benefit to all these outings. It requires some walk from the first cave to the twenty-sixth one and, trust me, some steep steps. I was happy with it. I know I should focus on history before my eyes, but then the health-conscious part of me could not keep it down. I guess I don't want that part to keep it down, either.

So, what did I do other than my famous historical walk?

I was up in the morning and went out for a walk. At that point, I wasn't aware that I would have an elaborate walk later in the day during our visit to Ajanta 😊; no complaints, though. The distance was lesser than I did yesterday, but I enjoyed it nonetheless. The weather was the supporting factor – cool and pleasant!

At the hotel room, I tried out the gym. I got them to open it early. No instructor was available then, but I did not need one. I had fun at the gym with all the equipment, which was just for me. There was literally no one in the gym.

Then I returned to the room and indulgent in a few sessions of Ho'oponopono. Here is my write-up on the topic for those wanting to know more about Ho'oponopono.

What Is Ho'oponopono? | The Hawaiian Healing Technique

Have fun reading and practicing.

Anyway, that's it from me for now. I will see you all tomorrow.




Did You Know?

Okay, this is one of the unexpected records but interesting nonetheless. The fun part is not many of you would know about it. Did you know there is a record for going up a flight of stairs with a person on your head? Yeah, there is.

Giang Quoc Nghiep and Giang Quoc Co, both brothers, hold the record. The brother went up 100 stairs while balancing the other on his head. The record was created on 23rd December 2021. The Vietnam nationals went up 100 stairs in just 53.6 seconds.

Have a look at the video here:

The question is - can we go up 100 stairs in 53.6 seconds? Forget about the load on the head. 😊


Image Courtesy: Geralt @Pixabay |


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Written by
1 year ago


I've already tried going up for about 77 steps stairs if my memory serves me right cause that was way back 2015, we had gone to Lake Sebu and there you can find stairs with 77 steps, I already forgot about the exact numbers but I can still remember that it has 7 on it. And the experience is so fun but tiring as well.

$ 0.01
1 year ago

Wow, 77? That takes some doing. How about now? Do you still go on adventure outings? Or any other healthy regime?

$ 0.00
1 year ago

I would love too but unfortunately, don't have time anymore because of hectic schedule. I wish I can find time going to some adventure outings and to unwind as well.

$ 0.00
1 year ago