Fitness: 23rd June 2021 + A Did You Know Health Question

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3 years ago

Good Morning

The morning was quite fine though I got up with a lot of resistance. Not physical resistance but mental. On the work front, I expected some things to happen, but it has taken a bit of time, and I guess that was on my mind. But it was so heavy that I almost did not want to go out for the run.

Somehow, somewhere, that iota of energy that pushes you up showed up. That was the silver lining to the day. I got up and got going. Even while walking, I was still not fully in the mood. Imagine how much what you think can affect you! This was a live example for me.

After walking for nearly two and a half kilometers, I conjured up enough energy to run. I got into the run with bigger strides than normal. It wasn’t a jog like every day but was a proper run. I did about three-quarters of a kilometer but ended up panting like crazy. It was really worth it.

After that, I walked the last kilometer allowing me to cool down. But there was one realization. While walking is awesome, too, the run brings out that extra adrenaline and, I am sure, a lot more hormones. What it does is leaves us with a great feeling at the end of the run. I think people who walk should give a shot at running. I can vouch for it.

Anyway, the start to the day notwithstanding, the continuation to the day was awesome. I had nothing to complain about. Also, one more learning is to go to sleep feeling good. That is what is important while waking up in the morning. 😊

That’s it from me for today. I will see you all tomorrow.




Did You Know?

As interesting as the records are in the Guinness Book of Records, the physical activities for which they stand are equally interesting, if not better.

Take the case of burpee pull-ups. It is a combination of a burpee with the pull-up exercise. Yes, that ought to be tough. But not for Michelle Kinney of America and Ranvir Denai of India.

Michelle holds the record for most burpee pull-ups at 19 in 60 seconds, while Ranvir’s record stands at 25. Interestingly, Ranvir entered the books in June 2020. That’s quite recent, in my opinion. 😊


Image Courtesy: Geralt @Pixabay


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3 years ago
