My Crochet Journey! ❤

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Avatar for noisytoothie
3 years ago
Topics: Crochet

For the past month, I've been into this new hobby I discovered through the idea of my friend. I introduced it here last July 24, 2021 by publishing an article entitled "New Hobby Unlocked!". I was so overwhelmed at that time because many people supported me. I was able to purchase my own crochet materials including hooks, yarns, and others things.

Month of August had been so good to me! I had lots of orders. In fact, I was able to earn more than I expected. I started out by having orders of 3 - 5 pieces of alcopouch crochet bottle. Until, one of my sister's friend ordered 25 pieces of alcopouch for their niece's christening day. It will serve as their souvenirs for the guests.

I am so happy that I immediately accepted her orders. I let her choose the colors, then I ordered it through shoppee. I have this trusted store where I buy all my stuff in crochet. You can comment down if you also want to know the store.

Going back, my yarn arrived after 4 days. Which means, I only have 7 days to finish the orders. I estimated that I can finish 5-7 pieces per day, if there are no unexpected circumstances. For 2 days, I have finished 10 pieces. But since I also have online class, I need to double my time in doing my orders.

A finished everything a day before the event. I was able to deliver it to her and she was really satisfied with it. Here are some of the pictures on my orders. 😍

The costumer were very satisfied with the orders and it makes my heart flutter. I am really so happy!!! She even posted the products on her myday. ❤

After that order, I received again another orders, then another one!

As of now, I am currently offering a facemask holder too. I am still thinking on some products I can sell. If you do have some ideas, I am so grateful to accept it. :)

$ 1.51
$ 1.36 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.10 from @Davinchysax
$ 0.05 from @renren16
Avatar for noisytoothie
3 years ago
Topics: Crochet


You are doing a great job with the crochet... I learned it back in secondary school but at some point, I dropped it probably I felt it was not for the guys lol🤣🤣🤣

$ 0.00
3 years ago

HAHAAHA I got a little bored, that's why I got fun in doing crochet

$ 0.00
3 years ago

That is how life is. Something you started out of boredom is now paying off.

$ 0.00
3 years ago