Day 6: Can't Remember to Forget You

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3 years ago

DAY 6 here we go. I have been delaying in posting this article series since I was discourage by the reader counts of only 2 or 3. But hey! whatever, I'm going to post anything I want to share and music is a big part of my life.

Day 6: A song that makes you want to dance

So for today, Day 6, I will be featuring Shakira and her hips along side my so-called look alike Rhianna in their single Can't Remember to Forget You

So today's challenge is for a song that makes you want to dance. This song by Shakira and Rhianna, 2 beautiful, strong, sexy, and powerful singers is my go to when I just want to dance in my room while cleaning or taking a shower.

This song is sensual but discreet , it will surely make you move your hips. I remember dancing to this song while waiting for my food to be cooked.

To add to the chase, I am fond of both singers because they both have unique voice quality and their music style is out of the ordinary.

This song is about a girl trying to move on but can't

  • Other songs I love from Shakira

Now get up of your seat,bed or couch. Put on these songs and dance.

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3 years ago
