Secrets to Have a Long Lasting Relationship

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2 years ago

1. Do not Lie

Always tell the truth, even if you know that your partner will be mad at you and this will lead to argument. Just do not lie.

If you did not tell the truth, what if one day, the lie that you said will be discovered by him / her?

You partner will have some difficulties in trusting you in the future if he / she found out that you lied. Trust is something that is difficult to earn when broken.

Learn to practice saying the truth. There is nothing wrong in saying the truth. The outcome may be not that good but not telling the truth will cause you not having peace of mind. The more you hid the truth, the more your your lies become bigger and bigger.

Whether that is only a small thing, remember that small things matter more than those big things.

2.Not talking to each other when you have problems

Communicate! You both need to communicate. Yes, you may have to spend time alone but just do not let the day pass without talking to each other.

Resolve the problem as much as possible. You are partners, remember that, it should always be "you and your partner against the world" not you and him / her against each other.

3. Never let your anger be prolonged

Apologize if you know you did something bad but if you are the one who has been wronged, you must forgive them as soon as possible. Lower down your pride for the person that you love. It is okay to lose your pride rather than to lose the person that you love because of pride.

4. Do not dare about ending your relationships

"Be careful on what you wish for because you might them it"

Avoid this as much as possible if you fight. Break-ups are not always been the best solution if you have misunderstandings.

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5. Lower down your pride

When you really love each other, lower down your pride. If you are the one who made a mistake then you should apologize and admit the fact that you made a mistake and try hard not to do it again. But on the other hand, if your partner wronged you, accpet the apology as long as you know and you feel that they are really sincere but it will always depends on what kind of mistakes have been done. If the mistake is not that big deal then make peace with each other. Each and everyone of us are just people who normally make mistakes just do not do it all over again, you might have been forgiven today, there is no assurance if you still have second or whatever chances you think you deserve.

6. Never make your partner feel alone if you are with him / her

If you can feel that your partner have something happening in his / her life, ask your partner if what is wrong. He / she may not open up to you, just stay beside them and make them feel that you are going to be always be with them. Make your partner feel secure beside you. Cheer them up if you think that will help, then do it.

Do not ignore your partner, always be sensitive enough to show that you care for them.

7. Not letting a day pass without talking to each other

Communicate, This is one of the things that should not be lost in every relationship. Tell them what happened to your day or ask your partner if how did their day went. Communication is one of the most need ingredient in every relationship.

8.Never let an argument not be settled

Most reccommended is, as much ad posible, reconciliate with your more. They may need sometime alone, yes, you should give the time that they need for themself for them to think about if what we really need to do.

Some people let the day pass without resolving an argument, but it is just okay, not just to the point that it will take you lots of time.

Tell them what bothers you. Have a heart to heart talk with each other for you to understand each other well.

* Each and everyone of us is unique. We have lots of ways on how we gonna show our love for our partners. Just always keep in mind the things that you know will ruin your relationship, and have the wisdom to fight with them .

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Written by
2 years ago


I agree with your points, I would also include get to know your partner better. Not all people are comfortable in discussing things in the heat of the moment, others may wait for a few minutes or hours to work on the problem but one should know one's reaction or how each of you will deal with problems. I also love discussing things over rather than fighting (depending on the issue). :)

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yes, I also agree with that (getting to know better)

It is always a case to case basis depending on the situation / misunderstandings. Just do not let the misunderstanding not be solved in a short period of time.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

You need to reduce influence of money negatively spend money wisely. Remember when you will be cash strapped.. Don't be a talkative though communication is necessary. Thanks greatly for sharing. Keep it up

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2 years ago

Thank you for appreciating my article ❣️

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