Red Flags on Relationships

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3 years ago
Topics: Relationships, Love

During the start of a relationship, everything may seem so right because both of you really loves each other. Both of you are overwhelmed with the relationship that you both have. You seemed to be very in loved with each other to the point that you are always together. Both of you never fail to show the bond you have, everything seems so perfect but there is really no perfect relationship, you two may end up together but that does not mean that all you have is a perfect relationship, every relationships have its ups and downs. Worst case is when a relationship may lead to break-ups.

How to know if someone is now the right one for you?

1. He / she does not respect you

For a relationship that will last, both of you should have respect for each other. How will you love someone if you do not respect them? Respecting in terms of supporting what he / she wants to do ( given that what the person wants is for his / her good sake.) If a person doesn't respect some of decisions of the other person, then the other persob will feel like he / she is not being valued.

2. Does not accept you for who you really are

If your partner expects / demands you to act / behave for something you are not then he / she does not really want / love you because a person who is in love will automatically love you for who you are. He / she should accept everything about you, even your flaws.

Worst case about not making time is when he / she finally disappear all of the sudden. A person is not worth it when he / she does not explain to you if why he / she have to get out of your life.

3. Does not make time for you

This does not mean that your partner must be always be there for you everytime, that you should be together except when you live in the same roof. Both of you have your own life, do not make them like as if your person is your world.

Your partner should not make you wait. If a person can let a day pass without even talking to you even in a short time then this means that you do not mean to his / her life. A person in love sees to it that he / she makes time for the two of you and gives you the attention that you deserve.

If he / she does not care if what you are up to, then that means he / she does not supports you. A person in love will always have to care for you and will always want you to be fine. If he / she is not there for you if something is not okay but is only there when everything is fine, then it only means that this person doesn't support you in everything.

4. Controlling

If a person always tells you on how you should do, without even asking if it is okay for you or not then this might means that he / she does not accepts yoy for who you are. Look for someone who encourages you to do the things (positive) you want. Or if that person is really in love with you but keeps on controlling the things you want to do then it means that his / her being in control may come from insecurity / jealousy.

5. Inconsistency

If a person is inconsistent in showing you on how he / she loves you, then it is a sign of being unsure. If he /she is sweet to you today, and tomorrow acts like he / she does not know you or he / she could not even make time just by talking to you then this only shows that he / she is really not into you. A person in love will not fail on showing you on how much he / she loves you.

Another way of inconsisty is he / she do not have a word of honor. If what he / she says does not reflect his / her actions. If a person is really interested in you, he / she is not only good in words, he / she proves his / her love for you in actions like giving gifts, cares for you etc.

A person will not fail to show how much he / she loves a person if he / she placed his / her heart and eye to his / her partner and will automatically look for him / her.

6. Your relationship gives you stress

Being in a relationship should give you peace of mind. If a relationship does not give you peace, then your partner may not be really the one for you. If you are constantly unhappy then the relationship is a big NO! Your partner should give you peace and happiness you deserve.

7. No trust

If he / she keeps secrets then how will you trust him / her. Aside from respect, one foundation of relationship should be trust. You have to believe in him / her. It is up to him / her if he / she will break the trust that you have for him / her. If a person broke the trust that you have for him / her then that is one of a red flag in every relationships.

8. Wrong timing

If at the moment a person loves you but you does not love him / her and vise versa, or you love each other but the timing is not right then both of you might not really meant for each other, because right love should be at the right time.

9. Not feeling belong

A person in love wants his / her partner to be known by persons who are close to him / her like his / her family, friends, relatives. If you do not know his / her inner circle, then something maybe is not right. A person maybe is hiding something from you.

10. Own intuition is telling you

If your intuition, most especially for girls, girls intuitions never really fails. For girls, if you feel that he is not really the one for you then he is really not the one for you, trust your instinct.

If you know deep down your heart that you do not deserve him, then better end the relationship. Being alone is better than being with someone that does not make you genuinely happy.

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$ 10.15 from @TheRandomRewarder
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Written by
3 years ago
Topics: Relationships, Love


There is really no wrong timing in relationship for me, just wrong people. Tho we cant tell if the people we've met are wrong to us, not until we try to be with them, right?

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Yes, indeed. If we are now with them, that's the time you will realize if both of you are compatible with each other.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Yeah. And thats what makes it complicated and unreal, for me. :) Not knowing if the person you've met will bring happiness or pain

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I agree to all you have mention. A constant disagreement of some things is also a sign.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

All of those are really true. Especially number 8. If your relationship is doing more harm to you than good, better get away from that relationship. It isn't worth it at all.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Yes, that is really true. If you are not happy with the relationship, or there are redflags right away, better leave it as soon as possible, for you not to get hurt big time.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Yep definitely. And also for you not to be wasting more time and emotion to that person. You know, time wasted is time that you can never have back. Better spend it with the right person. :)

$ 0.00
3 years ago