This document is a DRAFT or Request for Comments. Check out also a more detailed writeup, and the accompanying decentralized cooperation proposal and writeup.
The scope of this process is explicitly consensus changes for Bitcoin Cash.
Non-consensus protocol changes are possible candidates, but not necessarily.
Explicitly not in scope is non-technical discussion.
A person or group willing to spearhead a consensus change will nominate themselves as the leaders of that initiative. They will assure open communication of the following points.
These are not to be interpreted as a step-by-step process, rather as a checklist - for a proposal to be valid, all of them these need to be completed, not necessarily in-order and possibly with iterations.
(Objective) Define what the change it aims to achieve or what problem it needs to solve
(Solution) Provide a solution that's a clear improvement for the objective
(Specification) Provide a clear spec, which might initially be a draft
(Implementation) Provide a reference implementation for testing
(Burden of proof) Provide a clear case in favor of the change and reproducible evidence (possibly a test suite)
(Feedback) Gather feedback to improve all of the above
(Evaluate) Allow reasonable time for people to evaluate and propose alternative solutions
I support this process.