Yo! Hooray for Friday!
Today I list down drinks that can help you to loss weight and boost your metabolism.
so let's get started
1. Water
Simply because it has no calories, fats or any carbohydrates in it. H20 is a big help on cleansing it's also proven that drinking water upon doing activities increases the burning of calories factor. A big help for kidney and liver it can suppress your appetite or hunger, so stay Hydrated!
2. Vegetable Juice
It's a good pick. It has a lof of fibers, healthy and nutritious a low carb drink that helps you to suppress hunger its more effective if you increase your vegetables consumptions. Your loss weight is solid!
3. Green tea
I remember on my previous job, upon recommending a fat burner this is my best pick. why? because aside from antioxidants this is so powerful it gives you an extra energy due to caffeine. Stimulant type
4. Black tea
Stimunlant like green tea which consists caffeine specializing fat breakdown and speeding up metabolism. Must try!
5. Pineapple Juice
Packed with vitamins and minerals. This one is for belly fat and excess stomach fat. Pineapple like oranges is a catabolic food that helps to burn more calories in your body
6. Protein Shakes
This is one of my favorite drink. It compose a huge amount of protein plus packed with BCAA (Branch chain amino acids) this BCAA is engineered for quick muscle recovery it prevents muscle breakdown and repair muscle tissues so,if you badly need an recovery after extreme workout this one is best for you It helps you to make your workout consistent.
There's a bunch of protein shakes in the market so always look for Isolated and hydrolyzed this one is enginereed for losing weight or toning.
7. Lemon Juice
Good for detoxification and increasing metabolism rate a good aid for losing weight.
Packed with vitamins to help boost your immunity as well. A win-win situation
8.Ginger tea
As I stated before, this one is a real nigga! Anti-inflammatory plus antioxidants good for boosting immunity but aside from this, Ginger tea reduces cholesterol and improving sugar level also a good appetite suppresant. Drink a cup of it before your meal it makes you feel full
.9. Orange Juice
Low calorie and zero fat, advisable drink if you are dieting or on maintaining state.
Helps you to boost immunity as well.
10. Coffee
Like Stimulant teas, this compose with a bigger amount of caffeine to boost and perform well, instant calorie burning and increasing fat breakdown.
but don't rely on this for a long run.
So that's it! It's up to you now! do some effort on exercise to achieve your body goal
Again this is Mon Stay strong, stay healthy Stay .... Mooontivated! Peace out! 💪✌
I preferes water over anything haha. But I also love fruit juices and veggie juices. I dont like a plain tea. I want milk tea hehe but every time I bought milktea I always ask the staff what kind of tea they are using but normally they used black tea.