How to: Cucumber/mint water

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3 years ago
Topics: Health, Advice, Flowers, Tips

Cucumber Freshness

While many don't think of cucumbers when thinking "drink" the fact is that the fresh flavor of a cucumber can help quench your thirst quickly. Add some mint and you get a fresh, crisp drink to keep you hydrated and ready to go! Mint has been shown to relieve sinus issues, gastric problems, and hlep reducing swelling of joints and muscles. The English Cucumber tends to have fewer seeds, gives less burp effect, and is high in potasssium.

2 Quarts filtered Water

4 Fresh Mints

1/2 Cucumber sliced.

If you don't like Cucumbers...

Watermelon is known for the water content to begin with, so what better way to hydrate your body than a combination of 2 of the best tasting melons around?

2 Quarts Filtered Water

1 Cup Diced Watermelon

1 Cup Diced Honeydew Melon

Enjoy the natural drink's sugars with out adding additional sweeteners!

$ 0.00
