The mysterious connection of five Tibetans with your health

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3 years ago

Five Tibetans are simple exercises that can become part of your daily routine and are a great way to start the day.

Maybe the blinds fell on your eyes from this statement and you are tired of someone telling you every day how to start the day. You would not want to change your coffee and cigarette routine and waste precious time on exercise. But still open your eyes and find out what it is about. Tibetan exercises are not overly tiring, you will not bathe in sweat and you will not have to waste extra time before work on the obligatory shower before work because you soaked your clothes in sweat while exercising.

This does not mean that they are not strenuous at all and does not mean that you only have to do them in the morning. Take time anytime during the day. Starting the day this way is just a recommendation.

Health benefits of 5 Tibetans

To explain how the exercises of the five Tibetans affect health and what benefits they have, you need to know that health and energy are inextricably linked. In Eastern culture, this energy is associated with the chakras, which are a kind of energy centers in our body. The concept of chakras and the idea of ​​their existence and function appeared in India 4000 years ago.

There are 7 main chakras in our body and Tibetan exercises are actually an easy way to start them. Then when all our energy centers are functioning well, we feel healthy and energetic. Then when the chakras are blocked, we feel bad and sick.

The results you can expect are the following:

-More energy and will to live, better mood

        -Calmness and better control of emotions

        -Better concentration and thinking

        -Better self-image and greater self-confidence

        -Better sleep

        -Better sex life and improved libido

        -Easier to bear all the bad symptoms of menopause, menstruation and PMS
- Better digestion and detoxification of the body.

Since it affects the important glands and hormones in the body, the overall health and mood improves. The exercises are simple, but still require a certain amount of effort and strength of the whole body. And if you don't have them, you will develop them!

How the exercises of five Tibetans are performed

There are 5 poses that make up this exercise routine.

The first Tibetan - turning

This is a movement that will improve your coordination, release your negative energies and help regulate your emotions.

Stand upright with arms outstretched.

Turn around clockwise just as children turn around during play. You may have come across claims that turning exercises like this are good for children, so why not be good for you as well. Breathe deeply, from your stomach and look straight ahead.

Second Tibetan - lifting his legs off the floor

This exercise stimulates the work of the pancreas, regenerates the third chakra and strengthens the abdominal muscles.

Lie on your back and place your hands next to your body with your palms facing down. Raise your legs as high as you can - the goal is to stand upright. At the same time, lift your head off the floor, pushing your chin towards your chest. Hold for a few seconds then lower.

Pay attention to proper breathing. Exercise should not leave you breathless. Inhale when you raise your head and legs, Exhale when you lower them.

The third Tibetan - leaning back

The third Tibetan exercise also aims to open the third chakra or solar plexus, and it has a good effect on the fourth and fifth chakras. In other words, with a simple pose, you will improve the work of your heart, chest, thyroid gland, immune system and put yourself in a much better mood.

Kneel on the floor. The legs should be gathered next to each other. The body should stand upright, so do not sit on your knees. The arms are next to the body, resting on your thighs. Bend slightly backwards and lower your arms down the back of your thighs, and bend your head and neck backwards.

Stay in that position as long as you are comfortable and return to the initial kneeling position. Inhale when you bend, exhale when you return to an upright position.

The fourth Tibetan - the bridge

This exercise strengthens the lower part of the spine, thighs and buttocks and is great for shaping and strengthening these parts of the body as well as riding a bicycle. Incorporate both of these exercises into your daily life and you will not miss the results.

Sit on the floor and place your hands next to your body, with your palms lowered to the ground. Lift your buttocks and legs off the floor, as well as your upper body, and tilt your head back. Your torso should be parallel to the floor, knees bent and body weight on your hands.

Stay like that for a few seconds, then return to a sitting position. Inhale when you rise from the ground, and exhale when you return.

Fifth Tibetan - reverse "V"

This is an exercise that affects the whole body, perhaps because it is the most demanding from the aspect of performance.

Get down on the floor and lie on your stomach. Now lift your upper body, leaning on your arms. The elbows should be straightened, and the lower part of the body should still rest on the floor. Bend your back and neck back.

Spread your arms and legs shoulder-width apart. Lift yourself off the floor now by making a position similar to the inverted letter "V". Lean on the floor with your feet, raise your buttocks high and hold on to your arms that are still straightened at the elbows. Return to the starting position, bend backwards as at the beginning. Inhale as you ascend and exhale as you ascend.

When you decide to make five Tibetans friends in your daily life, it is best to get to know each other gradually.

Start the exercises with three repetitions of each pose, and the goal is to reach 21 repetitions (this is a sacred number for Tibetans). You should not do more than 21 reps. Some reach that level very quickly, some need more time. It depends on your physical condition.

 You always increase by 2 repetitions, no more than once a week. So do say 3, 5. 7, 9 .

Do the exercises slowly. These are not speed exercises.

Only when you perfect their performance can you speed up the pace

It is up to you to adjust the pace and intensity of the exercises to yourself.

You can do the exercises at any time. If you want to do the same thing that Tibetan monks did, do them at sunrise and sunset, because it is also the source of our energy.

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Avatar for minja55
3 years ago


Jao što sam lenja za vežbe.Treba da počnem ali nikako!

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3 years ago

Ove stvarno nije tesko raditi, a sami odredjujete broj ponavljanja, kao sto rekoh, krece se od 3.

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3 years ago

Cula sam puno pohvalnih stvari o ovim vezbama. Mozda cu ih posle ovako detaljnog i lepog objasnjenja i probati.

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3 years ago

ma sve je ovo lepo i fino daj neke vezbe gde se koristi neko pecenje cvarci i tako te stvari ovo mlataranje po kuci mi nikako nije zanimljivo

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3 years ago