Is it worth it?
Life is full of choices, some are easy like a eating a peanut and some are hard. People make decisions all throughout their day, most of which are straightforward and don’t require much thought. However, when situations are more complicated and have longer term impacts, it’s easy to feel unsure or hesitant.
Decision making is hard and you need to be wise. You need to think a million times and weigh some pro's and con's before you jump into your final decision. Sometimes we gather some what if's and some scenarios before we made it and that is really important to avoid some regrets. But whatever the result atleast you tried.
Doing one action is hard sometimes, specially if the money involve is from your own sweat and hardwork. But sometimes we are decided for a change and hoping to have a good outcome.
Last Sunday I withdraw my money in my SmartBCH (SBCH) and Binance Smart Chain (BSC) wallet worth of $272 to invest. It is not a little amount that's why I think a million times. Maybe to others it is just a pennies but for me it is too much. I deprived myself to do online shopping to save some of it. That is the reason why deciding is not easy for me but at the end I did it.
How can I know the result if I dont want to try, that is the question that I put in ny mind. But before I jump to that, I did some research and gathered some information about it. I asked some of my friends and all of them have a good feedback about it.
One of my friend told me something and it hit my heart. He said "Decide what your heart desires, its not because they said it is okay, you will go for it. We all know crypto is volatile and we dont know how to predict it. Do what you want to do, if you think it is good for you then go for it. It's your own decision and it's your choice. And avoid some regrets" and yeah he is right.
After we talk, I closed my eyes and pray, I ask His guidance and hoping that my decision is right. I feel like it is now or never. I am ready whatever happens and hopefully it have a good outcome.
Maybe some of you are laughing at me because I feel like what I did is between life and death, but for me it is. I'm not rich and a single penny is important to me. I worked very hard to have and save it, that's why it is not easy for me to decide. Lucky those who can do that without thinking twice. Fingercrossed it will have a good result. Have a little faith and trust what I did that I can make it, ofcourse with our dear Lord guidance that my decision is right.
69th article of mhy09
March 22, 2022
That's it guys,and please I'm not bragging about it, I just want to share what I am feeling right now, I'm relieve for a days of thinking if I do it or not. And yeah I did it. Thank you once again and see you in my next one....♥️mhy09
My Previous Article
Live your life to the fullest!
#ValentineDayChallenge2022: A letter to my first boyfriend
Thank you...
Same here sis, for me that is not a penny and it's already considered big. I wish you a success and brightful decisions ahead in the future.