Mr. Perfectly Fine, a Review

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3 years ago

Okay, I am sorry to clickbait you, but I am just excited to share what I think and what I feel about this song. Please note that this will not be a normal review because I there will obviously some bias involved in it, why? I'm a full-pledged Swiftie, that's why.

The Song

You guessed it right, the song is called Mr. Perfectly Fine ( Taylor's Version ) (From The Vault), and yes that's the complete title, don't leave out the rest or else. Lol. This song is part of the album Fearless (Taylor's Version). This is the much awaited revenge, take back album of the century. Taylor re released all her songs from the album Fearless with some other songs written back then. It's a way of taking back the music she lost and really owning what she deserved. I apologize but I will not be delving deeper into what transpired between her and her previous recording label that made this album a necessity.

The melody, the lyrics, the music and the whole vibe of the song is like a throwback to the "old Taylor". It seems nostalgic but the style of the song is much closer to the country style of music we grew to know and love. It has the vibe of The Other Side of the Door and somehow, I can hear a bit of Girl at Home in it and The Way I Loved You.

From The Vault? More like from a treasure chest, this one's an easy pick to be a favorite of mine.

Taylor Swift is known to be a story teller. Her songs are closely related to the tales of her life, her love life particularly. With this in mind, I can't help but wonder who Mr. Perfectly Fine is. Since it is supposed to be from the Fearless Era, Joe Jonas is my top pick to be this guy. I won't be surprised if it's him though, many songs that she wrote were about him. And those are from different albums.

The Story

Every time I hear the song, I can't keep myself from falling deeper and deeper in love with it. Alright alright you got me, I love it!

Judging from the title alone, Mr. Perfectly Fine seems to be a dreamy love song pertaining to the man of her dreams, may be at one time she thought that she found her The One.

I picture the story to be about this wide eyed girl who found this charming sophisticated young lad. She believes in love, believes in fairy tales and she believes in romance. It seems to her that Prince Charming is real after all. She believes that in the arms of this prince, she will find her happily ever after.

The story moves on and bit by bit she truly sees what her prince charming really is. The crown falls off, the robe comes off and the horse dies. Aw too bad horse. The once perfect smile is now a grin and everything crumbles right before her eyes.

The prince turns out to be conman, the love story that she thought she found turns out to be her greatest heartbreak. After she trusted and gave everything to him, he left her for another damsel in distress.

Enduring and powering through the heartaches and sorrow, the girl is now trying to pick up what left of her and believes that tomorrow, someday, she will be whole again.

To summarize, it's a heartbreaking tale with positive ending, full of hope and faith that everything will someday be okay.

The Lyrics

As expected from someone who mastered her own way with words, Taylor delivered a spectacular arrangement of very common phrases and made them extravagantly exquisite. Ms. Flamboyantly Creative does an incredible job of transforming every day words to exude out of this world excellence. Reading the lyrics seems to be normal but as you stitch them all together a picture of the story slowly emerges above your head, can you see it? Maybe I'm just that hungry but still, every line has its own power.

I mean, sashay? It definitely sashayed its way into my heart. Oh what a lovely use of the word.

Mr. perfect face

Mr. here to stay

Mr. looked me in the eye and told me you would never go away

Right from the start the promise of love affair straight from fantasy is evident in the song. A perfect face looking back at you with a promise to stay with you and to never walk away. Does it not sound alluring? Does not anyone want to be promised like that? But as treacherous as reality is, those types of promises tend to be empty in the end. The same thing happened in this song, Mr. perfect face turns to Mr. change of heart and eventually Mr. left her all alone. It's pretty tragic actually. Since our precious girl is a fighter, in the end the song became hopeful and Ms. misery is hopeful to be Ms. gonna be alright someday. And if you know her, she actually is beyond alright to day. Good for her!

The Music

The music inclines towards being an upbeat song with the vocals have that swaying ring to it. I can't really describe it for I can't really sing and music does not want me anywhere near it but the notes in the end of every line leaves a dancy kind of feeling in my ears.

The up tempo of the song and the tragic lyrics blend together to create an ironic symphony. If I am to picture it, it's like telling someone how broken you are while you are tap dancing. I know it's weird, I know I'm weird.

The beating of the drum is stuck in my head and the melody is currently swaying my brain gently and it is making me sleepy.


What can I say? I love the song. I love Taylor and I am excited in getting my hands on that album. This song is pretty flexible too. I play it to be relaxed and I also play it on over the car stereo and it does not bore me because of the catchy tune it has. I am telling you it's pretty crazy. Here let your ears decide :

Only the lyric video is out, but if it's like the other songs from the Fearless era, I will be waiting for another fairy tale music video soon!


Let me know your thoughts about the song too. Please leave your comments down below. :)


NOTE: Video and the music are not mine.

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Avatar for meitanteikudo
3 years ago


Wow I am not a swiftie but I like the song! Haha the lyrics is superb. Haha :) I like songs with clear lyrics. Hehe

$ 0.01
3 years ago

Hehe yep. And this song? Whew. The lyrics is clear as day.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

the power of taytay dkkwkdkek.taylor supremacy 🧘🧘

$ 0.01
3 years ago

Taylor all the way....

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Idk about you, but country song genre is the best only if Mama Taylor released an album under that. She's the only one who made that genre LOVED by the masses. She got everyone listening to country songs like madmen. Today, since lunchtime, Fearless (Taylor's version) album, has been playing NON-STOP. She got us Swifties reverting back to our old selves, but this time, the wiser and better old selves.

$ 0.01
3 years ago

Wow. You got it. It's like stealing words from my mouth. I feel my old self again but a whole lot wiser.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

right? thank you for this article. bago pa lang ako rito pero nakahanap na ako agad ng fellow swiftieee.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Heheh. Welcome to the platform. No worries madami tayong Swiftie dito. Heheh

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Great post

$ 0.00
User's avatar Dr.
3 years ago


$ 0.00
3 years ago

I hope she will also go back at 2014 era because it sounds cool compared today. I like some of her songs but not all. I listening to that song while reading this and I imagined the messages that you are trying to say. I'm not a Swiftie though

$ 0.01
3 years ago

Wow. I'm humbled to be visited by the king of review. Hehe. Thank you very much....

So how do you find this song particularly? Nagandahan ka ba? We may not be fellow Swifties but I think we share some similar tastes in music. I go crazy when Lisa drops verses in style, when Rose hit the belting notes, I melt when Jennie brings sexy out of the words and when Jisoo showcase those perfect vocals. :)

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I couldn't also believe that you also visited my articles.

So how do you find this song particularly? Nagandahan ka ba?

Yes po, nagandahan ako kasi parang bumalik ako sa pagkabata sa kanta niya. I remember when her songs were almost about her exes or her past relationship but it's kinda different now since the songs that she make now is she like find the right one. When I was Grade 4 (2014), aside from listening to Maroon 5, Ed Sheeran, Ariana Grande or Rihanna, I also listen to her bop songs and I remember that my favorite song that I loved way back then is Shake it Off and Blank Space. Wala kamiss lang, mas gusto ko pa po yung genre niya before and yung Mr. Perfectly Fine yung nagpaalala sa akin ng past genre niya.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

There are so many good writers here. It really takes time to visit every profile. But it's worth it.

Haha indeed. So nostalgic and refreshing at the same time no? :)

$ 0.00
3 years ago