Disintegrator Stands Still

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2 years ago

This week's Splinterlands Share Your Battle theme is to use the monster Disintegrator in the battle. It's a monster that is included in the free playable deck so it's a free-for-all kind of event.

The Disintegrator monster is under the Neutral Splinters which means that you can use any summoner for the battle. And in this particular match, I chose to go with the Fire Splinters.

The battle has a rule set. And that rule was "All Melee Monsters could attack from anywhere." I thought that when it comes to melee attacks, Fire Splinters are superior. The battle has also a high 29 mana allocation so we could go crazy with the lineup. A fitting battle to take the Disintegrator because it has a pretty high mana cost at 7.

For the summoner. I had to pull out Tarsa from her daytime job and make her come with me.

A cleaning lady by day, but a mean fire wizard at night. She grants 1 additional HP and 1 additional melee attack. I thought that she was perfect for this particular battle because it will focus on melee attacks.

For the tank, I went deep within the Earth's core to take Living Lava with me.

With 7 mana point, 6 HP, and 2 armor points, this monster is a go-to fire tank. It also has a 3-point melee damage that makes it a bit more versatile.

In the second position, I placed the Serpentine Spy.

At first, I thought that I would place the Disintegrator here, but I decided to switch their places because I was afraid that this Serpentine Spy was vulnerable to sneak attacks.

For the third position, I tagged in Kobold Bruiser.

Although it doesn't have any abilities, it can still be useful with the battle because of the battle's rule that melee monsters can attack from any position. With 3 HP and 2 speed and damage, it's a decent attacker with just 3 mana cost. Definitely compensates with the Disintegrator's high mana cost.

The next position was filled by Tenyii Striker.

Although it costs 5 mana points, it comes with sneak ability and 6 HP. With 2 points for both speed and damage, it's also a good complement to the Disintegrator.

And I placed the Disintegrator at the last position to cover the infantry's bum.

Both summoners came forward and they were the same. I guess that we had the same idea in mind.

As the wind blows through the field clearing all debris, the monsters on the ground were revealed and the clear difference on our lineup was evident. The enemy placed another monster in front trying to protect the tank. It also has the Disintegrator in the middle while I have mine in the back. Whose strategy is better? And we found that out very fast.

After the first round, my monsters managed to take two monsters out of the enemy's deck. While he took one from mine. It looked like it was still a neck-to-neck match.

It was the same story after the second round but the huge difference came in at the end of the third round. It was a pretty close match right before that point and after the third round, it was evident that a clear advantage has been established.

My tank was taken out in the third round along with my Kobol Bruiser. The enemy still has 4 monsters against my Tenyii and Disintegrator. The enemy still has a tank at the start of the fourth round and it was an obvious advantage.

The opponent was able to capitalize with that advantage and it took out the Disintegrator from the back. My Tenyii stood as bravely as he could, but even samurai bleed when they are cut from all angles. My troop was wiped out after five rounds. I took Tarsa and ran for our lives.

Here's the game recording for the match if you didn't like my commentary:

My strategy didn't work because the opponent was one step ahead and had the presence of mind to have a decoy tank and to place the Disintegrator in the middle instead of the back which made mine absorb all the hit and die in vain. I think for the next battle, I'll try to emulate the opponent's trick and make use of a decoy.

That being said, I am not a fan of the Disintegrator because it's gravely slow for a monster with 7 mana cost. If it was a bit faster, then it's going to be a real monster!


Yet another entry to Splinterlands Share Your battle.

Thank you for passing by and until we read again...


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Series    : All About Crypto
Title     : Disintegrator Stands Still
Published : 25-Mar-2022
Author :  © RB

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$ 0.03 from @Aimure
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2 years ago
