Do you know some of these phobias?

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3 years ago

Phobias are the most irrational fears of objects, situations, animals, etc. Most of the population suffers from common phobias such as fear of spiders (arachnophobia) or not as common as origami, which is the fear of wet or cracked paper.

A phobia is the irrational way that we can have objects, situations or animals. This fear is often caused by a trauma or a situation that we have not been able to overcome. I, for example, am afraid of cockroaches, it is an irrational fear, I cannot see them, it causes me panic, disgust, I have to find someone to kill them, it is something I cannot control and many times I wonder what it is Should this, if I should, should I consult a specialist ?, Because something so small generates so much fear in me ?.

These irrational means can provoke panic attacks, anxiety, depression, immobilization. So it should be understood that people who suffer from these fears do not react in that way on a whim, but because they do not really process seeing, feeling or being present in some situations.

There are very common phobias, which most suffer from, while there are others that are very rare, below we will discover from the most common to the rarest:

  • Araquibutiphobia is the fear of peanuts in all their presentations: consumption of peanuts, shells or their derivatives. People who suffer from this phobia fear that when consuming it they will have an allergic reaction.

  • Cacophobia is the irrational fear of ugly objects, that includes those people who do not have a graceful physiognomy.

  • Fear of fear or phobophobia. Yes, there are people who are afraid to feel fear, it seems a contradiction, but some people are afraid to think of something that may generate fear, this can cause immobilization or panic attacks.

  • Coulrophobia is very common. The vast majority are afraid of clowns, these cheerful characters are usually people with sordid stories and hide behind a happy face.
  • Macrophobia is the fear of some people to wait. These people usually get desperate, start with sweating and seizures.

  • Uranophobia is the fear that the sky and the future produce. People who suffer from this fear fear a trial after their death.

  • Herpetophobia is the fear of snakes, of being bitten by one of these snakes.

  • Turophobia is the fear of cheese. For some reason, people who suffer from this fear have associated cheese with that situation and when they see it they recreate the situation, causing an attack.
  • Ergophobia or work phobia, many people fear facing the work situation for fear of being rejected, not being able to comply with the performance or other reasons.

  • Katsaridaphobia or blatophobia is the irrational fear of cockroaches.

  • Agoraphobia is the fear or anxiety to be in a place or in a situation in which it is difficult to escape, or you do not have help to get out of that reality.

  • Somniphobia or people who fear falling asleep for fear of never waking up. Many of these people only sleep on medication or when they can no longer bear being awake.

  • Arachnophobia is one of the most common phobias worldwide and it is the fear of spiders.

There are millions of phobias and many of them must be treated with drugs. And what are you afraid of? Leave me your comment.

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Written by
3 years ago


yes i know some of this phobias....Thanks for sharing post dear....please chek my post too

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Thanks to you for reading. I will gladly visit your publications.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I haven't heard most of the phobias mention, so this is informative to me. Like you I also have a fear on cockroaches but not too extreme

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Thank you, I do panic.☺️

$ 0.00
3 years ago

These were some phobias i havent heard of and people and animal suffer from different phobia and I also have water phobia

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Yes, there are many phobias, I'm afraid of cockroaches, I'm also afraid of heights and confinement but I can channel that, however the fear of that insect is not. And why are you afraid of water?

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3 years ago