Hate, do I really?

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3 years ago

Hate is a very strong word.

The moment the words such as "I hate you!" are said out loud or written and sent or published, there is no turning back. It would be as though the words have been cast in stone.

I used to hate quite a bit. I would say out loud that I hated this or that, or him or her, until someone wise asked me, "Do you really?"

He went on to say "Hate is a very strong word, my dear. Think about it."

He asked, do I really hate, or perhaps it was just some aspects of it that I disliked or maybe preferred it to be in another way, which may have been combined with my then emotional in-eloquence that made the feeling a hate at that point in time.

It took me a while to digest his question. It was pretty hard when the emotional cap made a hostile takeover of the logical and sensible thinking cap. When I finally came through with it and reflected, the words did make some sense.

Most times, I was just unhappy with certain aspects of things or dislike part of a system or something someone did at that moment. I don't hate the person entirely or the entire thing or subject, unless bad things keep coming from them.

When you think hate and you utter hate, all the cells in your body would go into a hate mode. Anger, frustration intensifies and lingers, while the mood turns sour, sometimes for days or weeks. It is so tiring to hate and toxic to the max. It is a waste of time and a waste of energy. Isn't better to spend all that energy to do the things you enjoy and be happy?

I have changed from hate to dislike now. Whenever I think about hate, I ask myself the very question, do I really?

So, the next time you think about hate, ask yourself first, "Do I really?"

Lead image by Andre Hunter on Unsplash

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$ 0.11 from @Telesfor
$ 0.11 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.10 from @heartbeat1515
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3 years ago


The word hate has a very serious effect on people's lives. Hate destroys people's conscience. Whoever hates someone, no matter how good he does, no matter how good he does it, will feel bad.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I came to realize the huge difference with hate and dislike when people remembered the things i used to say when i was younger. They avoided making me do the things i said i hated. There were some tasks i still liked doing among those wherein i just disliked some parts of

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Ah, that is a good realization. And it is good that they avoided instead of encourage. There are people who does the opposite knowing how much we dislike something and not people whom we should mix with.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Yeah but the thing is, because they know, it's always a surprise when i do a task or eat foods i claimed to hate. Most of the time they'll think something's wrong with me or that i finally snapped

$ 0.00
3 years ago

There is always an inflation in words. It means that over time, they gradually lose in power. "Hate" was initially a strong word, just as "love" - but people overuse them, so they lose their strength. Just as in your example, someone today saying "hate", might mean "slightly dislike". The same with love. It is a huge word, but it has lost its strength. Today it can mean "slightly like". Such words become almost useless in the end.

Not caring is fine in most cases, One should not get excited over things or people that doesn't really matter. But it may not be so that one cannot care for anything or anyone, then something essential is lost.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Good points there @Mictorrani and thank you for your comment. It depends on individual I suppose, something like when the boy who cried wolf? The words "hate" and "love" has deep meaning for me, and they words I do not simply say, while some individuals may use them loosely all the time. Very true. It is a sense of maturity too by not letting people and situations affect us to the point or brink of breaking our core values.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I never say it in my language, at times my children do... In English "I hate to do this" sounds different to me as our word, perhaps because it's pronounced differently. With more frustration if it comes to things, sounds worse if it comes to people. To be honest I find disliking someone worse. I am over that the thing is if it comes to these extreme feelings I do no longer care, don't care enough about a person to say "I hate you!".


$ 0.00
3 years ago

I like your thinking :) The best really is not to care, it is not worth it anyways. I think I will reach that stage in time to come :) Thank you for the tip and for the comment neighbour :) <3 Are you on your way to your destination?

$ 0.00
3 years ago

She is. She will be texting later when she is awake.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Thank you @heartbeat1515.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

You have said it all. I always utter the words hate in my heart but in reality, I don't really hate. It is tiring converting the fire bursting moments to a calm state but it is worth it because as you said it, it is a waste of energy to let my self filled up with negativity even for a minute.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Yup. It is tiring isn't it? There was a point when I hated a person for her actions that directly affected me and the hate lasted for months until I realised, it was a waste of energy. I kind of adopted the not to be affected by it anymore and it was liberating.

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3 years ago