Pregnancy is a very special time in a woman's life, full of achievements and joys, but the nine months of waiting are not always experienced by women with all this fullness of feelings. In addition to the concern for the healthy development of the baby, the physiological changes experienced by the mother-to-be often interfere with the way she relates to the people in her circle of friends and, above all, to her own body.
In addition to the growing belly, breast and skin changes, many women tend to feel sick and experience nausea, vomiting and drowsiness. Other very common symptoms include frequent urination, headaches, dizziness, bloating, pressure fluctuation and back pain, lack or excess appetite, as well as aversion or craving for certain foods. "Many of these symptoms
Many of these symptoms disappear after the third month of pregnancy. Nausea, for example, is more scarce due to the physiological reduction in the value of beta-HCG .
It is important to note, however, that, in addition to physical changes, the gestational period brings with it some psychic changes, hitherto unknown, since each pregnancy brings its degree of learning, which makes it a great challenge for the woman. "The often unanswered questions lead to the search for books that provide comfort and guidance during the waiting time. Hormonal variations also contribute to this, but some pregnant women feel an anguish that is often difficult to name .
It is an important moment that should be lived wisely, but delicate, as it generates an ambivalence of emotions between fullness and lack. Insecurity, fears, either at the time of delivery or about how to raise their child, anxiety and worry about changes in the body are common complaints of patients with these conditions. These symptoms are unconscious manifestations and if not properly understood or treated can trigger what we know as postpartum depression .
The psychic stability of the woman, the maintenance of her self-esteem, keeping herself constantly informed, investing in a healthy diet, thus avoiding overweight and having psychological support are fundamental factors for the pregnancy to go smoothly and for the mother-to-be to arrive fully at the moment of delivery and be able to strengthen her personal relationships, instead of compromising them.
There is also some care available for the pregnant woman. Due to the natural stretching of the skin during the nine months of pregnancy, the dreaded stretch marks may appear during this period, which compromise and can cause permanent damage to the woman's self-esteem. As this circumstance is already predictable, the problem can be avoided or alleviated with the use of specific, powerful and safe moisturizers for mother and baby. In this sense, taking care of yourself is not only a matter of health and aesthetics. Before becoming a mother, you have a latent femininity. Maintaining self-esteem is essential for them to be able to fully exercise the diversity of roles required of them in today's society.
Welcoming the metamorphosis of the body, understanding the unconscious manifestations as something natural, acting with acceptance and tranquility and not being paralyzed by fear are the best ways to wait and receive your baby.
As far as I know, it is a challenging process both physically and psychologically, perhaps the most miraculous and wonderful part of it is to give life to a new life.