To say that nature is important to human beings would be, at the very least, insufficient. In fact, it is essential, essential and irreplaceable. After all, nature gives us light, water, energy, oxygen, and food. That is, without it, we cannot exist!
But, in addition to giving us the ability to stay alive, nature is even more generous and provides us with many other things, including a lot of learning. Especially for children, who are the next responsible generations on the planet, caring for nature is paramount, so that they become better human beings.
Contact with natural elements is good and important for anyone, but it is the shorts that can still save the world. Therefore, we must do everything possible to ensure that they grow in a sustainable and responsible manner. But after all, what can nature teach your child? Below, read the main reasons to bring your children closer to nature:
Create responsibility
Give your child the responsibility of caring for the life of a flower. Let him plant the seed and take care of it every day. Show him that if you don't water it or expose the plant too much to the sun, it will die. By understanding the proportion of his actions, he will take care of that plant as if it were his friend, which is him. This will give you the notion of responsibility to the planet, showing that it is our attitudes that change the world, whether for better or for worse. It will also make you a more responsible human being in any respect. After all, you will realize that in life we reap what we sow and that we need to sow well to receive good things.
Bring hope
How to teach a child to fight for a better world without teaching him to fight? It is useless to say that we must preserve nature if we do not do our part to love, respect and protect it. Contact with green is essential, especially today, where this is increasingly difficult. Children will only believe they can make a difference when they really start to; you don't have to wait for them to become adults for this.
Decreases anxiety and stress.
Nature relaxes, calms and reassures. In it, there is a perfect cycle, where everything has its place, time and reason to happen. This calms human beings, as we live in the opposite situation, guided by chaos and disorder. Contact with nature will make your child less anxious and less stressed; Yes, anxiety and stress were no longer adult illnesses a few years ago. Let your child feel the inner peace that plants, animals and the entire natural system provide.
Teach to act
It is no longer enough to say that the world needs to be more sustainable. We need to take steps to make that happen. Sustainability is synonymous with balance and, for it to occur, it is necessary to live in a balanced way with nature. Never visiting it is a sign of pure imbalance. Not only should you teach your child about sustainability, but you can use it as a great opportunity to be your example. Show that you love and care for nature, to do the same. Remember that no matter the size of the action, the important thing is to act.
Increase family time
Nature should only be synonymous with good things for your child. So why not make it a place of love and family life? Have family moments when caring for a garden, camping in the woods, walking on a trail, having a picnic in the park, collecting seashells or planting a seed in a vase placed in the window of the room. All this will improve your relationship and you will be even more united.
It is very important to teach children to love and care for nature, it gives us many wonderful things every day, but many people fail to see it because they are immersed in the consumerist world and in an overwhelming routine surrounded by electronic devices that will end up affecting their health and wellness. It isn't that these devices are bad but that we use them incorrectly and many times we damage our environment and this is manifested in our daily lives. It's time to act, our environment will thank us.