Tips To manage your migraine headache.
Hello everyone.
What is migraine:
Nowadays migraine headache is very common and it disturbs the routine life
Migraine is a recurrent headache that is moderate to severe.
IT affects one half of the head and pulsating in nature and last for a few hours or days.
you may also have symptoms like nausea vomiting, sensitivity to light, smell, or sound.
Try these tips to get rid of the pain:
always follow your migraine treatment plan
don't take any stress try to calm yourself.
Proper rest and sleep are important.
Keep a proper routine of meal and sleep
Quit smoking
Keep a diary and write what thing gives more headache to you and avoid it
Explain your condition to loved ones
you can also use ginger to overcome it. Yoga or stretching is also effective. Don't start any medicine without any prescription.
Its very useful article for everyone. We all should have knowledge about it. Thanx for sharing this informative post