Teaching Two Clueless Promising Earner

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2 years ago
Topics: Referrals

Referrals on every apps and sites to gain additional rewards are not a new thing for us. In every apps and websites that I knew, all of them are offering a sufficient amount of money for every invites that you acquired. Maybe some of you are clueless why I wrote this one because this is not my typical posts to share. Well, without further introduction, let's get started.

As you can see on the post I created many days ago, I told there that I have two referrals voluntarily asks me how to earn money. Both of them got their first $1 on the platform, and I'm delighted that I'm seeing their small, but remarkable points. No one could contain my happiness since they have a freewill to learn, and they already stamped on their mind what is right or wrong.

Successful Referral #1: KaeceM

I also referred her here, but I guess that I should not insist her on this platform. As you can read on the heading, she is my first referral on noise who is under my referral link. At first, I asked her if she is willing to learn about it. Fortunately, she agreed, and I used to ask it first as an interview since I know that it will just waste my time talking to her even she's not interested.

To attract her to sign up on my link, I showed her my previous pay-outs. Yes, that is my affliate marketing strategy to motivate her on the platform. Since GCash is pretty popular across the country, I unveiled her my withdrawals. That's time we exchanged messages about the things she should do.


  • She's easy to catch up. This is the reason why I wasn't able to be hassled on teaching her the rules and the things she should do on the platform. Even though she had some minimal mistakes that she did, I think that I should not bother it much as long I'm correcting her.

  • I can talk to her properly without minding much my words. Since we are batch mates, and we are under the same section, I think you'll notice how she's understandable to teach. Apart from that, we also have some same interest in life, and you will also see how determination to learn the basics.


  • Her structure of sentences are not yet developed. I know that all of us are starting from this mistake, and I hope she'll enhance her writing skills as she posed her rants in life. Just to be clear, I'm not saying this since I want to brag her. Nonetheless, I told this, so you would be aware that all newbies are not that good at the beginning like me.

  • Lazy to interact. As her recruiter, my obligation is to monitor her daily activities every time she's posting. Of course, I'm earning a small percentage under her post, so I need to teach her with all of my patience. However, I'm not yet seeing her interacting, and that's a bit unfortunate. Despite that struggle, I'm always telling her to socialize on other users, so she will get outstanding subscribers.

Successful Referral #2: Maryrose26

This is my most unexpected referral on noise. As in, I never expected this instance. I'm just interacted on the Discord server when her messages popped up on my phone, and she said "Hello". Without any introduction, she asked how did I'm earning money, and I recommended this site. So far, she's patient to earn more, and she's also contented on what she earns today. I think that my budol products are her motivation to earn more.

Obviously, I'm having a hard time to teach her since she's older than me. Although we are cousins, I can't say that we are close. Of course, we are not even seeing each other, and she already have sons and daughters. As her younger cousin and she doesn't have adequate knowledge about technology, I patiently guided her.


  • I know that she'll take longer on the platform. I'm already claiming that she'll stay longer on the platform since I know that it will help her for her daily budget. Just wishing that she can be patient as long as she can.

  • She likes to interact. Even there have some instances that she's doing spam comments on her first attempt, I can visualize that she's learning from her mistakes. Her posts also are on point since she knows how to post normally.


  • She's focused on monetary gains. As a newcomer, how much they earn is a relevant question that they are asking. Apparently, she's looking at her earnings consecutively to the point that she almost lost it. To eliminate her expectations, I advised her to disregard and forget BCH earning, and enjoy the platform. If you are enjoying it, you will be contented on the things you are getting.

  • Simple problems as a newbie. As I have observed on her activity, she's committing inevitable mistakes on using that platform. Well, it's my choice to teach her since I need to motivate her. So far, there have some rules that she prohibited, and I asked her to undo it. Since I wanted to break her developing habit, I warned her to discontinue habits which can influence her to lose her earnings.

Contrarily, these girls is willing to learn. Although I have some things that keeps turning me off, I still tried my best to monitor them on the platform. I'm asking how much they're earning for this site, and I hope you'll support them.

$ 1.62
$ 1.52 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.03 from @Oikawa
$ 0.02 from @Greatwolfman
+ 3
Sponsors of kingofreview
Avatar for kingofreview
2 years ago
Topics: Referrals


Gonna visit them soon when I have free time. ☺️

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Thanks ate ehhe

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Sharing is caring. It's good to share opportunities to those who are willings.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

yeah, it will be more easy hehe. Glad that one of my referrals are quite earning right

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Referral system earning is a much better system. It's nice to see your referrals. But I couldn't make any referrals.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

that's okay as long that it is not mandatory

$ 0.00
2 years ago

It is really good to share this good opportunity to those people who are willing to learn and earn. Great Job Bro.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

thanks hehe

$ 0.00
2 years ago