The black smoke (Spooky Series 2)

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2 years ago

My new sponsor @ARTicLEE requested that I write more spooky stories. The sky is gloomy and the wind is cold, perhaps it's the right time to share another experience again.

The first visit

1997 between 7:00-8:00 PM.

We were preparing to sleep. I live with Mama Pacing and Kuya Tata. Since we live in a province, everyone is expected to be at home at 6:00 PM and should be asleep before 9:00 PM. We didn't have TV, just a radio to listen to scary dramas on DYHP (My favorite radio station).

I always pray before sleeping, I believe that we are vulnerable and needed protection while unconscious.

"Our Father"...I started praying but my Kuya Tata joked me about something so instead of continuing the prayer, I burst out laughing. I knew it's bad to entertain other thoughts while praying so I carried on and dozed off.

It was dawn when I felt something cold. I've never felt anything like it before. It started going inside my body through my feet. My feet turned ice-cold and it was going up through my legs while losing my strength. I panicked. Why am I feeling this? I started shouting but nothing came out of my mouth. I knew then that I am encountering something supernatural.

The coldness engulfed my body, I gathered all my strength to shout.

"Why is no one hearing me?"

"Kuya! Kuya!"

My whole body was already so cold and the coldness is creeping, about to reach my neck. I was determined to fight it off. If it will possess me, what damage could I do to my cousin, grandma, and to the other people? I couldn't imagine myself being demonized. Plus, I would look horrible. I started praying...

"Our Father Who art in heaven".....My prayer was answered.

My Kuya Tata heard my murmurs..He said that I was saying something he couldn't understand. He immediately stood up and turned the lights on. He then shook my shoulders until I woke up.

I saw the black smoke disappearing right in front of me.

Kuya gave me a glass of water to remove the tension in my body.

"Be serious when you're praying, your faith has been tested". My friend told me, so I never laughed while praying anymore.

Credit to Pinterest

Who says the second time around is sweeter?

I joined another religious congregation after my graduation and we lived in the church as assistants to the preacher.

Sis Fatima and I were studying the bible that night. We were preparing for a Bible competition.

I was excited to go to bed after a tiring but productive day. Then there was this familiar coldness again. Why would this happen to me after a few years? I just ignored it and pretended to sleep.

But then it was persistent. That "thing" is starting to give me nightmares. All I know is that I was scared, there was no particular scary scenario. Then I heard a strange noise.

"Mmm ahmmm"...Sis Fatima didn't sound like she's having a nice dream. I ran to the switch right away and turned the lights on.

The black smoke went to the window and was nowhere to be seen.

"Did you see the black smoke?" she asked me.

"Yes and I'm sorry. I was supposed to be the victim but it turns out it wanted you".

I told her about my first experience. So the preacher advised us to have more faith and believe in the power of God.

I hope this is the end. Did we pass, dear God? Was it a test of faith or a test of courage? I silently uttered.

Prayer pic from Canva

The Makati incident

Sometime between 2010-2o11.

Lee, Chase, and I were roommates. The two didn't really like each other. They would stab each other's backs whenever the other one's not around. Lol.

We were all working in the BPO industry and would usually spend our time in our bedroom during rest days. We usually watch series like Fringe and Charmed while munching on our favorite snacks.

Lee and I share the double bed, I sleep at the top. When I was about to dive into my deep slumber....

Suddenly it feels so freaking cold again..."Something" or "someone" is watching me...I don't know. The front of my body is warm but my back is so cold. I didn't want to change my sleeping position. No, no, no...But I could feel its eyes on me..

"Is it faceless, or headless?" I was imagining how it looks like...

I didn't turn on the switch because I was too scared.

"Did any of you guys have a nightmare?" I asked Chase and Lee.

"I did" Lee answered.

"What time was it?" I asked again.

"Between 3:00-4:00 AM, why?" Lee asked.

"I noticed something was looking at me this dawn but I didn't move. I actually have a stiff neck because of it. It was supposed to be my visitor and I'm sorry if I got you into trouble." I apologized to them.

Lee narrated that she dreamt of a boy who was possessed and I've forgotten the rest of her story.

I thought that "thing" would only disturb me but it's starting to victimize others that are connected to me as well. I got more scared.

I didn't do anything to stop that black smoke/ "thing" that visits me from time to time. How can I? I don't perform rituals and I don't think I need to go somewhere to find help. I just keep on praying and telling myself that if it won't kill me, then I can beat it.

But this didn't stop me from having other types of nightmares, of encounters with creatures from the other realms. There was once when the Bible itself protected me from "them".


I hope you enjoyed reading my scary story. If you'd like to share yours, I'd love to read them as well through your article or you can just comment down below.

Shout out to my 5 lovely and generous sponsors: THANK YOU FOR TRUSTING AND BELIEVING IN ME.

Sponsors of jasglaybam

To my co-authors and visitors, welcome to my page. I welcome feedback, criticism, comments and I appreciate your tips.

Have a great week everyone!

Thanks for your time, cheers!

***Credits to Pinterest for the Black Smoke pic

Lead image is from pic from

$ 1.30
$ 1.20 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.05 from @FarmGirl
$ 0.05 from @ARTicLEE
Sponsors of jasglaybam
Avatar for jasglaybam
2 years ago


That is really freaky! I hope it will never visit you again. It seems to be playing with you by doing it to those around you.

Anyway, I remember Fringe. I like watching that. I only saw some episodes of Charmed.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yes I agree. I had a nightmare recently but it wasn't the black smoke anymore but a woman. I will write a story about it too.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Oh my goosies! I'm getting scared already lol! Those are scary experiences! whew!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yes po scary talaga lalo na pag malamig na malamig yung likod mo at alam mong may something pero ayaw mo tingnan kung ano man yun

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Geez kakatakot namanšŸ„¶ wala pa akong experience na ganyan. Sleep paralysis oo naexperience ko

$ 0.00
2 years ago

One time may dumalaw na something at 3:00pm, katakot talaga...

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Gosh! Kinilabutan talaga ako while reading yours haha. Yoko na :D

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Wag po kayo sumuko may mga susunod pa akong ishishare hahahaha

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Ouch! Ayoko na basahin haha :D

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Hehehehe sige na nga :D

$ 0.00
2 years ago