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3 years ago

"Prestige" is an American movie that premiered in 2006, directed by Christopher Nolan. Starring Hugh Jackman and Christian Bale. The cast also includes Michael Kane, Scarlett Johansson, and David Bowie.

The film is based on the novel by Christopher Priest.

In a mysterious thriller set in early twentieth-century London, two magicians, played by Christian Bale (as Alfred Borden) and Hugh Jackman (as Robert Anger), compete in the art of magic, an obsession with optical illusions. Nikola Tesla also gets involved in the story when he plays David Bowie, whose discoveries are used by one of the magicians to beat his competitor.

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Avatar for jacaks79
3 years ago


Bas cu pokušati da nadjem na netu, da gledam ovaj film, deluje zanimljivo.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I have never heard about this movie before, but I am sure it is great! I love to watch movies where the plot is located in London in the beginning of the 20th century. And, we all know that Christian Bale is great! I will watch this, thank you for the recommendation.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Nisam gledao, ali lepa preporuka, vervatno cu pogledati, kad krene zima, seticu se

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Eto meni izbor za veceras.....Baš da vidim kakav je film... Nadam se da je dobar, jer moje merilo dobrog filma je ako uspem da ga odgledam celog a da ne zaspim..

$ 0.00
3 years ago

This move very funny and wonderful .your comments and like done plz subscribe me.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

the movie is not funny at all, but it is a thriller and a partially true event.

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3 years ago

Nisam ga do sada gledala, ali s obzirom da je u pitanju triler i da ima dobru glumacku ekipu pogledacu ga sigurno.

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3 years ago

da ima sjajne glumce, ali je film radjen i po delimicno istinitom dogadjaju,

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3 years ago

nisam ga gledao, deluje mi zanimljivo i da edituj clanak umesto film treba da pise movie i ubaci ga u zajednicu za filmove i serije

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3 years ago

editovala sam ali tad nemam opciju zajednice tad se izgubila, tako da cu neki drugi film tu ubaciti,

$ 0.00
3 years ago

ok nema veze

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3 years ago

pogledaj obavezno mnogo je dobar, a hvala na ukazanoj gresci, cek da vidim imam li te zajednice, nisam bila ovde par dana.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

nema na cemu

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3 years ago