'Maleficent' is an American film fantasy thriller shot in 2014. The title protagonist, played by Angelina Jolie, is Maleficent, the main villain from Disney's famous 1959 cartoon Sleeping Beauty. The film had very good commercial results after its premiere, but also a mostly lukewarm reception from critics.
In Croatia it is shown under the title Mistress of Evil, and in Serbia under the title Grdana.
The movie Malice is an untold story about the main villain from Disney's 1959 cartoon Sleeping Beauty. A beautiful and good young woman lives an idyllic life in a forest kingdom until one day a military attack is carried out that threatens harmony in the country. Malice rises to protect the country, but it ultimately suffers from a ruthless betrayal that makes it evil and eager for revenge. Zlurada begins an epic battle against the heir to the king of the conquering kingdom and casts a curse on his newborn Aurora. As the child grows, Zlurada realizes that Aurora holds the key to peace in the kingdom.
This movie has really wonderful story, she is evil, but there is something very deep behind of it, and she finds someone to help her to pass trough all those bad things. That is showing us that there is something good beyond all the bad things that are all around of us. Sometimes, we become bad, because of horrible things that happened. But that is not ultimately, things are changing.