10.23.22: "Got My First 0.1 BCH In Noise.app!"
ARTICLE NO. 140 OF 2022
TITLE: <10/23/22: "Got My First 0.1 BCH In Noise.app!">
Each day, attaining a great progress is my goal. As it was achieved in a day-to-day basis, it will lead me to only one thing: "bigger outcomes and collectively, unlocked goals."
This is similar to what this Anonymous personality has said:
"A little progress each day adds up to big results."
📷 Source: Qoutespedia.org
In the month of September, an improved version of noise.cash was introduced. It is the "noise.app" or by which some refers to as 'noise dot app.'
Noise.app is available both as a website and a software application. However, other users who wants to create an account in dot app isn't allowed to do so. Not unless you are given a link from those "already-registered-users", like me.
If you aren't yet joined the hype, feel free to use my invite link which is attached below:
imanagrcltrst: https://noise.app/invite/btnbtey1
In other ways, follow this simple instructions as you opted to use the released application:
Step 1: Click this "three lines."
Step 2: As you clicked the "three lines", you will see this. Just tap the "Get in on Google Play" and be redirected to your Google Play Store application.
Step 3: Install and you can now start browsing using the application.
Or you can just simply click this link to be quickly redirected in Google Play Store:
Noise.app application: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=app.noise
I, imanagrcltrst, har joined noise.app on the night of September 8th through Ate @Usagi's guidance & of course, link.
Similar to how I started in noise.cash and read.cash almost 2-years ago, I begin with "0." Zero contents, subscribers, reactors & commentors. Also, "$0.00 earnings."
Until the number of subscribers starts to grow from 0 to 4, on the same night that I created my account.
And on the following day, my supporters had reached 2-digits. Which basically made me oh-so happy!
At the beginning, "earnings" isn't yet established by the developers. Until the last week of September, users are now eligible to get some earnings through the "donations" coming from random & unknown noise.app users.
At first, I ain't aware that I am already receiving a few of BCH satoshi. Not until I saw a certain post in noise.cash about her, receiving her's. That's when I realized that I've been having mine, unaware.
To be able to easily monitor every BCH that I am receiving, I created a wallet for noise.app in bitcoin.com. And, here's some of what I received by 09.28.22.
As September ends, I was able to accumulate 0.013+ BCH or equivalent to $1.80. 💚
After posting numerous contents in daily basis, I finally & successfully hit my first ever 0.1 BCH in noise.app by 10.23.2022.
This progress in my new journey of blogging had boosted my eagerness to maintain my activeness both in creating short posts & upon interacting with my fellow bloggers.
Where does it led me to? Here:
Gained hundreds of followers whom became my greatest supporters. From "zero" to "320", as of 6:52 AM today.
Progress in BCH accumulation. From "0 BCH" to "0.12+ BCH", as of 7:36AM today.
As needs & expenses piled up everyday, so does the "motivations" to pursue every opportunities for us to be able to hustle.
Therefore, let's do our very best! Why? As all the small results are reaped, bigger yield will possibly be obtained. 🧡
For more chitchats, feel free to reach me out via:
noise.cash: imanagrcltrst
noise.app: imanagrcltrst
Hive (PeakD): futureagrcltrst
Or communicate with me in my socials:
Discord: Imanagrcltrst
Congratulations sis! I think I should have 0.1 by now too. Sadly no app for iPhones yet