Sushi Zanmai lobster salad roll

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2 years ago
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Since today is the first day of 2022, I feel like trying something fancy. I happen to be at Avenue K Mall to settle something so I visit this Japanese restaurant called Sushi Zanmai.

After looking at their house specialty menu, I order their lobster salad roll. It cost RM16.80 after including the service tax. The lobster salad rolls make from Omelette and cucumber sushi roll topped with lobster salad.

When the dish is served, the lobster salad is not as orange as it is shown on the menu. I guess that is an advertisement for you. Overall the dish is nice, with nothing much to say.

$ 1.60
$ 1.60 from @TheRandomRewarder
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2 years ago
Topics: Writing, Life, Story, Blog, Food, ...
